We apologize for not being able to present all of our news in English.
Unite! Seed Fund 2025
Call for Applications
The Unite! Alliance is pleased to announce the opening of the call for the Unite! Seed Fund 2025, a fund designed to support innovative and collaborative projects among the alliance's member universities. This fund offers financial support to students, researchers, and professors who wish to initiate joint initiatives between at least three Unite! universities (and at least two for student proposals), encouraging collaboration and excellence in education, research, and innovation. The deadline for all submissions is March 20, 2025, with various matchmaking events scheduled to help participants find partners for their projects
Bild: Patrick BalBild: Patrick Bal
Studiengänge und Ausbildungsberufe online kennenlernen
hobit talks 2025
Die Darmstädter Hochschul- und Berufsinformationstage „hobit“ bieten auch 2025 wieder Informationen und Orientierung zu Studien- und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Darmstadt und Region. Den Auftakt machen die „hobit talks“ auf hobit.de: Am Mittwoch, 22.01., und Donnerstag, 23.01., können sich tausende Schülerinnen und Schüler ab Klasse 11 online und live von 9 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr über Zukunftswege informieren. Bei der „hobit contact“ am Dienstag, 20.05., besteht für die jungen Leute dann die Gelegenheit, sich direkt vor Ort ein Bild zu machen.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Doctoral research grant opportunities at ULisboa
The fourth call for 5 PhD Fellowships Unite! priority areas is now open until 28 February 2025.
Together with our Alliance, the University of Lisbon, in collaboration with Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) will award 5 PhD Fellowships in 4 Unite! key areas Artificial intelligence , Energy – Batteries, Hydrogen and Smart Cities and Industry 4.0. Applications can be submitted until 28 February 2025.
Picture: pexels-judit-peterPicture: pexels-judit-peter
Explore Unite! Languages!
First Unite! Online Language Café starts January 15
If you want to learn a new language, you also have to speak it. Language learning theories argue that language learning takes place unconsciously and by chance through exchanges with native speakers or through contact with authentic language use outside the classroom. The Unite! Online Language Café (UOLC) aims to do just that and invites students from all Unite! universities for the first time on 15 January 2025
Picture: © Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.comPicture: © Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com
Learning languages outside the classroom
Unite! Seed Fund Initiative: Unite! Online Language Café
Unite!’s multilingual and multicultural environment provides an excellent setting for informal language learning which, based on language learning theories, can occur unconsciously and incidentally outside the classroom setting through interaction with native speakers or exposure to authentic language. The Unite! Online Language Café (UOLC) is designed to do just that – easily accessible and voluntary. It fosters informal interactions to promote and encourage students to use and learn all Unite! languages. A virtual space, where meetings are planned, the UOLC will be run by students for students starting on 15th January 2025.
Unite! students: our soul, our core
Save the date for the XI Unite! Dialogue at UPC in Barcelona!
We are excited to announce that the 11th Unite! Dialogue will take place from February 25-28, 2025, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech (UPC). This Dialogue will bring together the vibrant Unite! community to deepen collaboration among the nine partner universities of the Alliance, fostering innovation and collective growth.
Bild: Stefan ElgesBild: Stefan Elges
Erfolgreiche Premiere von „My University Talks“
TU Darmstadt stärkt Dialogkultur unter Studierenden
Die TU Darmstadt zieht eine positive Bilanz ihrer Premiere des Dialogformats „My University Talks“. Die innovative Gesprächsplattform brachte Studierende mit unterschiedlichen Ansichten zusammen und förderte einen offenen, respektvollen Austausch zu kontroversen Themen. Insgesamt nahmen 154 Studierende an dem Format teil, die sich jeweils bis zu drei Stunden lang intensiv unterhielten.
A U!Train Manifesto for Sustainable Mobility
Unite! students call for Improvement of the European rail systems
Europe is at a decisive crossroads in its pursuit of sustainability, with rail transport poised to reclaim its position as a cornerstone of mobility. The U!Train initiative brought together students from nine European universities to confront the challenges and unlock the potential of rail travel. During a collaborative mapathon last september, 28 students identified over 200 points of interest across the European rail network, highlighting areas that urgently need improvement. The culmination of these efforts is the U! Train Manifesto, a set of actionable recommendations aimed at transforming rail transport for a more sustainable and connected Europe.