Picture: SPZ TU DarmstadtPicture: SPZ TU Darmstadt
European Day of Languages
TU Darmstadt and Unite! celebrate together
For the first time, the Language Resource Centre of TU Darmstadt is organising the European Day of Languages on 26 September – to coincide with the third day of the Unite! Dialogue, which is also taking place in Darmstadt. Together with the European University Alliance, which consists of nine European partner universities, TU Darmstadt is celebrating Europe's linguistic and cultural diversity and invites its university members and their families to join in.
Picture: UNITTE!Picture: UNITTE!
Unite! honors start-ups for the first time
Unite! meets for the 10th time – and is growing. More members are taking part in the biannual Dialogue, more projects and ideas have emerged and more connections have been made: The Start-up & Innovation Day 2024 (InnoDay24) of the Innovation and Start-up Center HIGHEST at TU Darmstadt concludes the Dialogue and takes the opportunity to also give the start-up scene of the nine partner universities space and to network with each other. For the first time, an international jury of experts will present the Unite! start-up award to the two best start-ups.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
„Ein Netzwerk von Stockholm bis Lissabon“
Unite! and TU President in an FAZ interview
The X. Dialogue represents another milestone in the five-year history of Unite!. The university alliance is growing, more and more ideas and projects are being implemented and many more connections are being made. TU Darmstadt, coordinator of the university alliance, invites to Darmstadt in September – a good opportunity to take stock. Unite! and TU President Professor Tanja Brühl did just that in an interview with the FAZ.
Picture: Jan-Christoph HartungPicture: Jan-Christoph Hartung
Unite! 21-Day Diversity & Inclusion Challenge
A self-directed, online and free learning tool designed to deepen your understanding of diversity and inclusion
Do you sometimes feel the world we live in should be more inclusive? And do you feel that your social or work environment is accessible and safe? Can you identify situations that might make you feel uncomfortable or could be improved? Then the “21 Day Diversity and Inclusion Challenge” is for you!
Unite! Research School
Registration is Open!
From 14th to 18th October 2024, the Unite! Research School will bring together MSc and PhD students, as well as researchers from across Europe, in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Industry 4.0, Nuclear Engineering and Sustainable Electronics.
Picture: Patrick BalPicture: Patrick Bal
TU Darmstadt Hosts Panel on Transatlantic Relations and Global Order
Joint seminar for students from San Antonio and Darmstadt
Global orders and disorders were in the focus of a panel discussion hosted by TU Darmstadt as part of a joint seminar with the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). The event was organized by professors Markus Lederer (TU Darmstadt) and Matthias Hofferberth (UTSA). The panel featured Acting Principal Officer Jennifer DeWitt Walsh (U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt), Ron Nirenberg (Mayor of San Antonio), and Tanja Brühl (President of TU Darmstadt).
Study abroad from home
Unite’s Virtual Exchange Credit Programme (VECP)
Studying abroad without leaving home might seem paradoxical, but it's a reality thanks to Unite’s Virtual Exchange Credit Programme (VECP). The VECP initiative was launched July 2020 in response to the global pandemic. The aim was to create new opportunities for students to continue their academic journey despite the mobility challenges posed by COVID-19. The current offer is available, registration is open.
Darmstadt Student Conference on Green Building Design
Interdisciplinary for all Unite! students
To promote teaching and international exchange, the Institute of Constructive Design and Building Construction (KGBauko) is organizing the international compact symposium for students on the topic of “Green Building Design” via Zoom on 2, 9 and 16 July 2024. All Unite! students who are interested in sustainable and energy-efficient buildings are invited.
Unite! launches Comprehensive Faculty & Staff Training Catalogue
A hub for faculty and staff to connect, collaborate, and internationalize their professional activities where they will find ample opportunities for networking, accessing resources, and fostering international collaborations to enhance their professional
Unite! presents its Faculty & Staff Training Catalogue, now accessible via Unite! website. Designed to enrich the professional journey of professors, researchers, administrative and technical staff across the alliance, this initiative aims to equip participants with the essential tools and resources necessary for success. The catalogue is the result of the work done by the expert community 6.6: Compile a Unite! annual training programme for staff.
Picture: Babette ChabilanPicture: Babette Chabilan
Finding the right partner
Seed Fund virtual matchmaking event
103 participants from all 9 universities met to present their ideas for Seed Fund projects and look for the right partner to submit their proposals.
Bild: Patrick BalBild: Patrick Bal
Leichterer Start ins Studium
Das neue PreBachelor-Programm unterstützt internationale Neuankömmlinge
Der Südkoreaner Sejin Jung und Asya Tütüncü aus der Türkei gehören zur wachsenden Zahl internationaler Studierender an der TU Darmstadt. Den Studienstart in einem fremden Land hat ihnen das neue PreBachelor- Programm der Ingenieurwissenschaften erleichtert. Dritter und letzter Teil einer Serie zum Förderprogramm QuiS.
Bild: Patrick BalBild: Patrick Bal
Eine gute Work-Studium-Balance
Joshua Moell studiert Informatik und arbeitet gleichzeitig in Vollzeit als Software-Entwickler
Um seinen Uni- und Berufsalltag auszubalancieren, hat sich der Masterstudent Joshua Moell für ein Teilzeitstudium entschieden, das ihm doppelt so viel Zeit einräumt. Seit 2012 bietet die TU Darmstadt diese Möglichkeit und ist damit bundesweit Vorreiterin. Teil zwei einer dreiteiligen Serie zum Förderprogramm QuiS.
Digital “Deutschland Semester Ticket” from summer semester 2024
Activation is possible from 21.03.2024
The digital Deutschland Semester Ticket will replace the current semester ticket on the back of the student ID card from summer semester 2024.
Information on forwarding student e-mail addresses to Google e-mail addresses
Act now!
Forwarding of student e-mail addresses to Google e-mail addresses cannot be guaranteed.
Bild: Klaus MaiBild: Klaus Mai
Brücken bauen
385 Studierende der TU Darmstadt erhalten ein Deutschlandstipendium
In der aktuellen Förderperiode 2023/24 konnte an insgesamt 385 Studierende der TU Darmstadt ein Deutschlandstipendium vergeben werden. Das vom Bund vorgegebene Kontingent von 375 wurde somit um zehn Stipendien übertroffen. Für ein Jahr erhalten die Studierenden nun jeweils 300 Euro monatlich. Die feierliche Übergabe der Stipendien fand gestern in der Otto-Berndt-Halle statt.