Practice your languages with the Unite! Language Tandems!
Spanish, Catalan, German, Italian, French, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Polish… Do you want to improve your speaking skills in any of these languages? With the Unite! Language Tandems, you now can!
Language Tandems offer you the possibility to practice any of the Unite! languages with another student from the Unite! community. It is a great opportunity for you to develop speaking skills in a language you want to improve in, while also meeting other students and widening your international network!

How does it work?
Sign up by 4 February 2024 on the space now. Use your TU-ID to login. Language Tandems Metacampus
You will be paired up with a Unite! student who matches your language interest within 15 days following the registration period. Please note that the matching depends on the offer and demand of the participants. The Unite! Language Tandems team will try to form as many tandems as possible. Sign up and enjoy your Tandem!
What is Unite!?
Unite! (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering) is a network of universities in nine countries that will set a new model for a European virtual and physical inter-university campus. This partnership offers you numerous opportunities to enhance your international experience and develop your intercultural competence within the framework of your studies.
The following universities are part of the Unite! alliance:
- Graz University of Technology, Österreich
- Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Schweden
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spanien
- Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Technische Universität Darmstadt, Deutschland
- Politecnico di Torino, Italien
- Institute Polytechnique de Grenoble, Frankreich
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Polen
- Aalto University, Finnland
For more information:
Explore Unite! further on the . Unite! website
about further language learning opportunities (e.g. free language courses) in the Unite! alliance here. Find more information