SynBio World Cafe 2023

Bridging the gap between academic research, industrial infrastructure and venture capital

2023/06/28 by

On 27-28 June, the 4th SynBio World Cafe took place in Darmstadt, Germany, organised by the German Association for Synthetic Biology – GASB e.V. with support from SPRIND – Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen and the Centre for Synthetic Biology at TU Darmstadt. Bridging the gap between academic research, industrial infrastructure and venture capital, the SynBio World Cafe brings together individuals from all over the Synthetic Biology landscape.

The SynBio World Cafe 2023 provided an opportunity for industry representatives, policy makers, innovators and students to come together and discuss pressing issues within the Synthetic Biology community. These included advances in artificial intelligence in biology, challenges in technology transfer from academic institutions, opportunities for financial investment, developing concrete sustainability goals and improving public communication of significant innovation successes.

During the event, the Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen – SPRIND used the example of Nanogami to demonstrate how synthetic biology can disrupt the market. The highlight was the launch of the new SPRIND Challenge entitled “Circular Biomanufacturing”. The challenge is to develop an end-to-end prototype that processes different carbonaceous waste streams into new products as a continuous biomanufacturing process. These innovations are needed to create a circular economy where new products are manufactured locally, using valorised waste streams as a source of raw materials to build more sustainable and resilient production platforms.

Prof. Dr. Jörg von Hagen presented the ryon GreenTech Accelerator in Gernsheim for start-ups and young companies. He also announced the next Synthetic Biology event in September 2023: The 1st ryon Summer School. The main objective of this Summer School is to provide participants with the opportunity to develop and advance innovative business ideas.

The event was reported on in the journal transkript and the forum Bioö