Kick-off for Unite! Spring School on Energy

Start of the Spring School on sustainable energy organized by Politecnico di Torino


A school focused on the new energy frontiers, from energy storage systems, fuel cells, smart grids, to opportunities offered by hydrogen, sustainable nuclear and bioenergy. The first Spring School on sustainable energy, organized by the Politecnico di Torino in the framework of the Unite! European University Alliance, has just kicked off.

The three days of online activities (opens in new tab) will include lectures by internationally renowned scholars from the seven Unite! partners, presentations of M.Sc. thesis proposals on the spring school topics, testimonial sessions by PhD students, “serious games” on energy, and networking sessions with online social events and the possibility of virtual “business” lunches with external stakeholders.

70 students coming from the seven partner Universities have been selected among 400 applicants with no participation fees. Participants will have the possibility to work on an M.Sc. thesis on sustainable energy, in view of the possibility to apply for an international PhD that will profit of the vast and solid network of collaborations within Unite! partners.

“This Spring School, dedicated to the topics of sustainable energy, based on a model that we hope to be able to extend modularly to other topics of interest to Unite!, such as AI and Industry 4.0, is one of the concrete training elements that Unite! is offering to the students of its seven universities as part of the Erasmus+ pilot project that gave birth to the Alliance in 2019. It is also the first station of a 'pipeline' that would like to motivate some of the brightest students of the Alliance towards a PhD program, not only recalling the fundamental role that this plays in the Strategic Plan of our university, but also the role that the PhD could play tomorrow, as a natural link between education and research, in the synergy between the European Education Area and the European Research Area,” said Professor Roberto Zanino, Vice Rector for European Relations and Key Liaison Officer of the Politecnico for UNITE! as well as coordinator of the team that organized the Spring School.

In their evening news on May 18th, 2021, German Hessenschau reports about TU Darmstadt's internationalization strategy and also talks to Dominik Kern, student in the M.Sc. program in Energy Science and Engineering. The master student participates in the Unite! Spring School on Energy and appreciates the opportunity to learn about topics in energy technology from the perspective of students from other countries.