Appointment for Professorship: Learning from Experience – Engineering, Computer Science and Natural Science (February 18th, 2025)


The event offers the opportunity to gain insights into appointment procedures for professorships in a discussion with experienced professors and other relevant stakeholders.

How do appointment procedures work? Who is involved? What considerations are decisive on the part of the decision-making bodies? Which behaviour is expected from applicants, which is tolerated and which tends to contribute to a negative assessment?

As a participant you:

  • receive important (background) information about the entire appointment procedure
  • can clarify your questions with experienced professors, newly appointed professors and other stakeholders involved in the process
  • can adjust your behaviour in appointment procedures more specifically to the relevant requirements

Based on the appointment procedure, the three-hour event focuses on three main topics:

  • Application: Identifying suitable positions, matching the position with your own profile, contact with the relevant university before and after the application, etc.
  • Appointment presentation and discussion with the appointment committee: selection of the presentation topic, presentation design for a heterogeneous audience, stumbling blocks in the presentation and discussion, dealing with critical questions, do's and don'ts
  • Appointment: procedure, clever negotiation and behaviour, expectations of the appointing university


  • Moderated discussion
  • Q&A

Target audience:

  • Postdocs of the Rhine Main Universities (RMU – TU Darmstadt, Goethe University Frankfurt, Gutenberg University Mainz)
  • Junior research group leaders with RMU employment
  • Junior professors, qualifying professors and assistant professors with RMU employment


Language: English

Date/time: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 | 10:00 am – 01:00 pm

Location: S3|12 Wissenschaftsschloss, De-La-Fosse-Bau, SCC Lounge (6th floor)

Registration: Please fill in the Ingenium registration form (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)

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