Our Teams

Get to know the three teams of Communications.

Team Digital Media

As a team, we are dedicated to a variety of current digital media, utilizing their options and following new trends, particularly with regard to audio-visual platforms. We are responsible for maintaining the content and structure of the central website and continue to develop it editorially and technically. We provide advice and support in the creation of new websites and thus ensure quality.

We enable and advise communicators and scientists on all social media topics and manage digital campaigns.

We produce videos for science communication, reputation managers and internal communication. We commission and publish photos, secure legal issues, administer and maintain an extensive image database, develop it further and share it with TU members.

Patrick Bal (pb)

Studied Germanistik, Anglistik and Pedagogy in Darmstadt and Guildford, graduating with a Magister Artium. Online editor at the TU Darmstadt since 2008.

Paul Glogowski (pg)

Studied Film Studies and Eastern European History in Mainz, Glasgow and Krakow. Graduated as Magister Artium. Freelance work at LE Vision Film- und Fernsehproduktion (Leipzig), traineeship at SWR in Mainz. Online editor at the TU Darmstadt since 2012.

Mara Ludwig (ml)

Studied Information and Knowledge Management at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, graduating with a Dipl. in Information Management. Studied Information Science and Engineering at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, graduated as MSc. in Eng. Practical experience as Content Manager at NetSkill AG, SEO Manager at t-online, Online Marketing Consultant at takevalue GmbH, Head of Online Marketing at OUTFITTER GmbH and Head Of Online Marketing at carou GmbH. Since 2022 Social Media Manager at the TU Darmstadt.

Team Design

The core task in this area is to manage and maintain TU Darmstadt's visual communication both externally and internally and to further develop it in line with the corporate identity. This includes the conception, creation and implementation of selected central projects for web, social media, video and print. Of increasing relevance is the further development of the visual design of digital communication channels and interactive applications with regard to aspects such as visual language, user interface design and user experience design.

Services also include the provision of design templates, advice on their application and the ongoing development of the style guide. Last but not least, this department advises and decides on the use of the word/figurative mark (Athene logo) by third parties.

Julia Gonné (jg)

Studied communication design in Darmstadt, Portsmouth and Offenbach, graduated as Diplom Designer (FH). 2006 to 2013 art director for design agencies in Mainz, Frankfurt and Darmstadt and project manager at Hessen Design e. V.. Since 2013 freelance designer with national and international clients as well as freelance work for agencies including Peter Schmidt Group. Teaches design at the PH Weingarten. Experience and awards in the field of art and design. Since 2022 Creative Director at the TU Darmstadt.

Team Public and Media Relations

We plan, research and produce news in various journalistic formats and disseminate them via the website, the university's central social media channels and publications. We reach (specialist) media in Germany and abroad with our press releases and topics in a target group-oriented manner. We also advise on communication issues and support academics in communicating their research well themselves. As a cross-media organized newsroom team, we are ideally positioned to meet daily requirements.

We create editorial content and provide community management for TU Darmstadt's social media platforms. We monitor our digital ecosystem and interact with social media players in science, politics and business as well as within TU Darmstadt.

The analog-digital mix is also part of our portfolio: We develop the editorial content and are responsible for the production of the university newspaper hoch³.

Bettina Bastian (bjb)

Studied Germanistik and journalism in Mainz, graduated with a Magistra Artium, press and public relations work at the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (WBG), traineeship at Darmstädter Echo, editor at TU Darmstadt since 2015.

Mareike Hochschild (mho)

Studied General and Comparative Literature, Psychology and Jewish-Christian Religious Studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, graduating with a Magistra Artium. 2013 traineeship in university marketing at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, then press officer at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. Editor at the TU Darmstadt since 2019.

Michaela Hütig (mih)

Studied journalism, economics and German philology in Mainz and Lincoln/USA, graduated as Magistra Artium (M.A.). 1997 to 2012 responsible news editor, chief of service and correspondent at The Associated Press (AP)/dapd (Frankfurt a.M.), 2013-2022 editor and chief of service at Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd) (Frankfurt a.M. and Düsseldorf). Since 2022 editor for science communication at TU Darmstadt.

Silke Paradowski (sip)

Deputy Press Officer of the TU Darmstadt

Studied journalism and English in Dortmund and Edinburgh, traineeship at the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Essen), graduated with a Diplom in journalism. Editor at Gestaltmanufaktur – Agentur für Unternehmenskommunikation (Dortmund), editor and page editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/Rhein-Main-Zeitung, editor at Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen for press relations ZDF/ARTE. Since 2013 editor at the TU Darmstadt.

Claudia Staub (cst)

Studied civil engineering in Braunschweig and Glasgow, graduated with a Diplom in engineering. Project engineer in Braunschweig and Berlin, online editor at t-online.de. Since 2017 editor at the TU Darmstadt.