M. Sc. Biomolecular Engineering
You’re healthy and loved. Always remember to be grateful for the life you’re leading.
Study programme:
M. Sc. Biomolecular Engineering
Prior education:
B. Sc. Biomolecular Engineering- TU Darmstadt
Why I study at TU Darmstadt:
TU Darmstadt has a very good reputation and is strategically in a good position for a future career in the field of science.
What I like about Darmstadt:
Although Darmstadt is a small city, it offers many leisure activities and has beautiful festivals. In summer, I look forward to the Heinerfest and strawberry picking.
When the weather is nice, you can have a picnic in the Bürgerpark, do sports or go for a walk like I do.
By the way, I like how multi-cultural Darmstadt is and how foreigner-friendly the people of Darmstadt are.
Fun fact about myself:
I can only wink with my right eye
What makes me happy:
Quality time with my family and friends makes me happy. Being by the sea or ocean and travelling make me happy, as well.
What I would tell my younger self:
Don’t care about other’s opinions about you that much.