xchange Office

The xchange office is a hub for the various xchange-related activities at the TU Darmstadt. The xchange office serves as the contact point for both our external partners and the members of the TU in the departments who are involved in xchange, central services, central administration and other facilities.

Important information

We are pleased to receive your knowledge/technology-transfer enquiries, qualify them, and forward them to our respective colleagues if necessary.

However, if you have questions about international exchange programmes of the TU Darmstadt, please contact the International Student Service or the Direcrorate VIII – International Affairs for staff mobility and inter-institutional agreements.

International Student Service

Directorate VIII – International Affairs

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Dr. Timo Kleiner-Schäferxchange
Dr.'in Sara Kuntzxchange
Sabine Wolkerxchange