Support brilliant minds with the Deutschlandstipendium

Passion, courage and vision. These are qualities that define our best students. Whether the donors are companies, private individuals, benefactors or former members of the university, they are all united by one goal with the Deutschlandstipendium – they want to make young talents fit for the future.

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Our donation account at Sparkasse Darmstadt:

TU Darmstadt

IBAN: DE83 5085 0150 0000 7643 70


Subject: Spende Deutschlandstipendium (Donation Deutschlandstipendium)

A promising mix

A promising mix emerges at TU Darmstadt: 50% of our students are enrolled in engineering, 35% in natural sciences and 15% in humanities, social sciences and economics. At the boundaries of these subject areas, progress and innovation develop.