The Deutschlandstipendium sponsors very talented and highly motivated students ensuring that future specialists and top executives get thoroughly trained. Students receive 300 euros per month: One half of this monthly allowance is financed by the German Federal Government and the other half is financed by companies, foundations and private sponsors. Every year students will receive their scholarship certificates for the Deutschlandstipendium in a ceremony.
Eginhard Jungmann came to Germany as a young man and late resettler from the former Upper Silesia in 1958. Since he had come across publications and books by two professors teaching in Darmstadt, his path led him to the Technical University. More than 60 years and a successful management career with Siemens later, he now expresses his thanks to his alma mater and his former department of Electrical Engineering by making a generous donation.
Since summer semester 2011, students and freshers whose background promises outstanding performances during their future studies and career are sponsored by the Deutschlandstipendium. They receive 300 euros per month, half of which is financed by the German Federal Government and the other half is financed by private sponsors. This alliance between civic commitment and governmental sponsorship is what makes the Deutschlandstipendium so special.
Independent of their income, the scholarship holders receive a grant of 300 euros per month for at least two semesters up until the end of their prescribed period of study at the most. This way, they can fully concentrate on completing their studies successfully.
TU Darmstadt is one of the most successful universities nationwide for raising funds for scholarships. This is possible due to a special which aligns the interests of students and their sponsors most suitably, thus, creating the best prerequisites for successful partnerships! matching process