LaTEX with Style (April 01st-02nd, 2025)
While LaTEX is the de facto standard for writing scientific papers, learning it usually is a quite unstructured process of trial and error, trying to gather knowledge and best practices from scattered online references and collaborators’ experiences. Arguably, a thorough understanding of the LaTEX system with its capabilities and restrictions and, even more importantly, a good writing and coding style not only facilitates process of writing papers or other documents, but also eases collaborative editing and research.
During the workshop participants will revisit the major components of scientific LaTEX documents in a structured manner and will learn how to address more complex typesetting requirements with the help of suitable extension packages. Common mistakes and sub-optimal approaches will be discussed to enable the participants to produce structured and clean documents that allow easy reuse (e.g., adaption to different journal styles), easy update and collaborative editing.
After the workshop participants will be able to typeset complex scientific papers (with focus on mathematics and computer science), have a thorough understanding of how to apply an effective workflow and where to go for further help in case that becomes necessary.
Contents Overview
- Concepts (Markup languages, separation of form and content, basic workflow)
- Fundamental elements of input files
- Document structure (general structure, front matter, main document body, appendices)
- Text and text elements
- Typesetting mathematics
- Floats (figures and tables)
- Layout adjustments
- Dealing with errors
- Producing accessible documents
- Other topics (based on class interests)
- Useful web resources
- Participants should have a reasonable knowledge of LATEX, i.e., have used it previously with some level of success. Basic LATEX usage is assumed to be known so that the class can concentrate on advanced topics, needed for writing documents such as journal articles or a thesis.
- Participants are equipped with a computer with LaTEX installed (for exercises during the workshop). Any operating system can be used (Windows, OSX, Linux).
If you are a beginner in LATEX please use the (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) on this topic. They offer online tutorials as well as monthly online workshops (in English and German). You can also get additional support in the weekly consultation hours. offers and learning materials of the University library
Prework (voluntary)
- Participants participate in a short survey about their knowledge and interest to better tailor the course to their needs.
- Participants prepare short examples of typesetting tasks they struggled with, so that they can be discussed and resolved during the course.
Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdocs at TU Darmstadt with publication needs (thesis, articles, …) and medium level knowledge of Latex
Frank Mittelbach | LaTEX Project lead
Ulrike Fischer | LaTEX project
Language: English
- Tuesday, April 1st, 2025 | 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
- Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025 | 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Location: S1|21 Ingenium House (Magdalenenstr. 25), Raum A105
Registration: Please fill in the (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet). Ingenium registration form

Frank Mittelbach studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Gutenberg University Mainz. In his professional life, he worked as a systems architect for EDS and HP.
Since 1989, he leads the development and maintenance of LaTeX -- the high-quality typesetting software dominant in many STEM disciplines. He and his team of volunteer developers are currently focussing on automatically producing tagged and accessible PDF from LaTeX sources.
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