Ernst Ludwig Mobility Grant
of the Association of Friends of Technical University of Darmstadt e.V.

The "Ernst Ludwig Mobility Grant" of the Association of Friends of Technical University of Darmstadt e.V. promotes the international mobility of outstanding postdocs of TU Darmstadt. The grant offers postdocs the opportunity to gain international experience during their postdoctoral phase, to network with international scientists and to complement their professional skills.

Who can apply? Postdocs, who are employed as research associates at TU Darmstadt and who are planning a research stay abroad.

The approval of a host institution and the concept of your research project abroad must already be available at the time of application. A host institution abroad can be a university, a non-university research institution or a research department in industry.

Your application must be supported by the department in which you are employed at TU Darmstadt.

Please note that persons with foreign nationality may apply under certain conditions, such as residence and visa requirements and a declaration of intention to return.
What does the grant offer? The “Ernst Ludwig Mobility Grant” is awarded to promote a research stay abroad for a period of three to a maximum of six months.

In the process …
  • you will remain employed as an employee at TU Darmstadt for the duration of your stay abroad and will be released from your current work duties in order to carry out your research project while continuing to pay your salary;
  • you will receive the “Ernst Ludwig Mobility Grant” to cover the additional costs of your stay abroad (the amount varies according to countries and regions);
The Friends of TU Darmstadt generally defray costs for postdocs. A further grant may be made in exceptional cases where justified.

Please note that the “Ernst Ludwig Mobility Grant” can only be used once during the qualification phase (R2).
Who are the Friends of TU Darmstadt? Founded in 1918, the Vereinigung von Freunden der TU zu Darmstadt e.V. (Association of Friends of TU Darmstadt) currently has around 2,200 members as well as 80 member companies. Its central concern is the promotion of science at Darmstadt University. The Friends were not only one of the first support societies, but are also among the support associations with the largest number of members in the German university landscape. From the beginning, they were also the university's alumni association. With a variety of activities, the association cultivates and recruits members and has provided a total of more than ten million euros since 1948.

In order to continue to actively pursue its goals for the benefit of Darmstadt's alma mater, the association is dependent on members. It expects this commitment from its supporters in particular, in order to make possible for others what they themselves have received.
More information:
What is to be submitted? You hand in …
  • application form (opens in new tab)
  • CV
  • list of publications
  • graduation certificates (copies)
  • Ph.D. certificate (copy)
  • copy of current employment contract at TU Darmstadt (for temporary employment contracts, the duration of the contract must cover the period of the planned stay abroad)
  • presentation of the research project (maximum 5 pages; incl. presentation of the research and processing status, reasons for the necessity of the stay abroad and choice of host institution, embedding in your postdoc project, detailed work and time schedule with individual work steps and time reference)
  • commitment by the foreign host institution to the workplace and supervision or research permit
  • support letter from the head of the department (incl. declaration of consent to release from work and continued payment of remuneration)
  • language certificates, if available
  • if applicable, proof of other income during the stay abroad
At the end of the stay abroad financed by the mobility programme, a report of a maximum of five pages must be written by the funded person(s), which deals with the progress of the research project and the effects of the stay abroad on the research project as well as the personal acquisition of competence. You may be invited by the Association of Friends of Technical University of Darmstadt e.V. to present your experiences and results at the Association's General Assembly.
According to which criteria does the selection committee select? The selection is made by the selection committee “Nachwuchsprogramme” of TU Darmstadt, in which all disciplines of TU Darmstadt and the Gender Equality Officer are represented, as well as one representative each from the board and board of directors of the Association.

The most important selection criteria are:
  • convincing academic qualifications (academic achievements, doctorate, quality and number of publications, prizes and awards)
  • quality of the technical presentation of the research project and of the preparatory work
  • originality, timeliness and relevance of the research project
  • feasibility of the research project and consistency of the work plan and timetable
  • embedding the research project into the overall research concept in terms of content and time
  • suitability of the host institution (reasons for the stay abroad and choice of host institution)
  • significance of the research project and the stay abroad for the development of the personal skills profile and scientific networking

Next steps If you are interested, please submit your application by 15 November 2024 by e-mail to .

Please arrange an individual consultation appointment in advance to discuss your application with .

The call for applications for the mobility programme is subject to the availability of funds.