Ph.D. Programmes at TU Darmstadt

TU Darmstadt offers Ph.D. programmes at various graduate schools. In our graduate schools, doctoral candidates conduct research in collaboration with other researchers and develop scientific skills in an interdisciplinary environment.

Graduate School Computational Engineering

TU enables highly qualified students in the TU Master's degree programme in Computational Engineering to begin a Ph.D. programme prior to graduation.

Graduate School Computational Engineering

Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management

The Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM) constitutes an alliance between Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Technical University Darmstadt. GSEFM students and faculty naturally benefit from a location in Continental Europe's primary center for financial markets and central banking.

Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management

Graduate School of Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems

The Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and The Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELIZA) focus on four main areas: the basics of machine learning (ML) — including ML-driven fields like computer vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP), or robot learning —, machine learning systems, applications in autonomous systems, as well as trans-disciplinary applications for machine learning in other scientific fields, from life sciences to physics.

Graduate School of Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems

E+E Graduate School

We think outside the box with curiosity and offer interdisciplinary expertise and a wide range of networking opportunities. For successful careers and a future worth living.

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Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research

Sixteen partners take action in Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research and form an highly-recommanded research environment.

Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research

Graduate School Life Science Engineering

Graduate School Life Science Engineering fosters an interdisciplinary education in natural and enginieering science and also humanities.

Graduate School Energiy Science and Engineering

DFG Research Training Groups

A large number of DFG Research Training Groups offer attractive opportunities and Ph.D. programmes too.