Early Career Research Group Models
National and international funding opportunities

In addition to the traditional habilitation, the current research landscape in Germany offers alternative routes to qualify for a professorship – either through direct appointment as an assistant professor or by heading an early career research group.

A variety of early career research groups are hosted by or associated to TU Darmstadt. The university generally promotes the high scientific autonomy of the early career research group leaders by assigning them examination rights and a teaching load as part of their subsequent appointment to an assistant professorship in an ad personam process.

We summarize the most common university-related early career research group models below and present the actual and former funded groups.

DFG-Emmy Noether Programme

Excellent early career researchers (ECR) with international and at least two years of postdoc experience can apply for the competitive Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG. By heading an Emmy Noether research group with a maximum funding period of 6 years you can directly qualify for a professorship.

Title Head of the junior research group
Polymer Incorporation for the Engineering of Symbiosis (PIES) Dr. Andrea Belluati
Centre for Synthetic Biology
Department of Biology
Project Details Back ProjektPrint View Real-time distributed decision-making with applications to autonomous driving and Smart Grid Dr. Tatiana Tatarenko
Research Group Control Methods and Intelligent Systems
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Interpretable Neural Networks for Dense Image and Video Analysis (XIVA) Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer
Research Group Visual Inference Lab
Department of Computer Science
Co-Constructions of Learning and Technology. On the Change of “Learning Subjects” in the 20th Century Prof. Dr. Kevin Liggieri
Research Group History of Technology
Department of History and Social Sciences
Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation for Intelligent Assistance Prof. Dr. Georgia Chalvatzaki
Research Group Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS)
Department of Computer Science
Activity, regulation and evolution of carbohydrate-active enzymes used in cell wall penetration by unicellular predators and parasitoids of microalgae Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess
Research Group Biology of Algae and Protozoa
Department of Biology
An integrative design-through-analysis paradigm for higher-order computational aerodynamics and aeroelasticity Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Schillinger
Research Group Numerical Mechanics
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
NextIoT: Enabling Next-Generation Internet of Things Applications using Synchronous Transmissions Prof. Dr. Marco Zimmerling
Research Group Networked Embedded Systems (NES)
Department of Computer Science
Einseitige und zweiseitige Austrittsprobleme für stochastische Prozesse Prof. Dr. Frank Aurzada
Research Group Stochastics
Department of Mathematics
Biomimetic peptide-polymer nanostructured materials Prof. Dr. Markus Biesalski
Research Group Macromolecular Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Topochemical fluorination reactions in the context of fluoride ion batteries, tailored properties and for the modification of thin films Prof. Dr. Oliver Clemens Research Group Chemical Materials Synthesis
Department of Materials and Geosciences
Cryptography beyond the black-box model Prof. Dr. Sebastian Faust
Research Group Applied Cryptography
Department of Computer Science
Praktikable und beweisbar sichere Kryptographische Protokolle Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin Research Group Cryptography and Complexity Theory (Cryptoplexity)
Department of Computer Science
Minimizing Cryptographics Assumptions Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin
Research Group Cryptography and Complexity Theory (Cryptoplexity), Department of Computer Science
Continuous Order Transformations: A Bridge Between Ordinal Analysis, Reverse Mathematics, and Combinatorics Prof. Dr. Anton Freund Research Group Mathematical Logic
Department of Mathematics
Verdampfung von dünnen Filmen an strukturierten Oberflächen Prof. Dr. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman
Research Group Technical Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Exakte Szenenrekonstruktion aus extrem großen Bildmengen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Goesele
Research Group Graphical-Interactive Systems
Department of Computer Science
Erschließung des lexikalisch-semantischen Wissens aus dynamischen und linguistischen Quellen und Integration ins Question Answering zum diskursiven Wissenserwerb im E-Learning Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych
Research Group Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP)
Department of Computer Science
Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und in situ-Katalyseverhalten neuartiger, nanostrukturierter Übergangsmetalloxid-Modellkatalysatoren für Partialoxidationen Prof. Dr. Christian Hess Research Group Physical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Verallgemeinerte mechanische Kontinuumstheorien und deren Anwendung auf Defekte und Mikrostrukturen – Dynamische Versetzungstheorien Dr. Markus Lazar
Research Group Continuum Mechanics
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Formale Methoden, Techniken und Werkzeuge für die Entwicklung sicherer Systeme Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Mantel
Research Group Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems
Department of Computer Science
Experimental Investigation of Strong Magnetic Dipode Transitions in Heavy Nuclei as Probes of the Proton-Neutron Symmetry Prof. Dr. Norbert Andreas Pietralla
Research Group Nuclear Structural Physics and S-DALINAC (superconducting Darmstadt electron linear accelerator)
Department of Physics
ConcSys: Reliable and Efficient Complex, Concurrent Software Systems Prof. Dr. Michael Pradel
Research Group Software Lab (SOLA)
Department of Computer Science
Generalized Kac-Moody algebras, automorphic forms and hyperbolic reflection groups Prof. Dr. Nils R. Scheithauer Research Group Algebra
Department of Mathematics
The Physics of Non-Specific Interactions between Biomembranes Prof. Dr. Emanuel Schneck
Research Group Physics of Biological Soft Matter
Department of Physics
Biomechanik des Gehens und Rennens Prof. Dr. André Seyfarth
Research Group Sports Biomechanics
Department of Human Sciences
Structure-activity-relationships of biologically or catalytically active species from the determination of the 3D structure by NMR Prof. Dr. Christina Marie Thiele
Research Group Organic Structural Analysis
Department of Chemistry
Perceptually Optimal Reproduction of Color Images considering Device Limits Dr. Philipp Urban
Research Group Printing Machines and Printing Processes
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Struktur und Dynamik in amorphen Festkörpern studiert mittels eines kombinierten Einsatzes von kernmagnetischer Resonanzspektroskopie und molekulardynamischen Simulationen Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel
Research Group Molecula Dynamics in Condensed Matter
Department of Physics

Heisenberg Programm junior research groups

The aim of the five-year Heisenberg Programme is to support researchers who are already eligible for appointment to a permanent professorship (e.g. through habilitation or equivalent achievements) and who are also distinguished by particularly outstanding academic achievements.

Four types of funding are available within the Heisenberg Programme: Heisenberg professorship, Heisenberg position, Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians and Heisenberg fellowship.

Title Head of junior research group
Electro- and Photochemical Aryl-Aryl Cross-Couplings: From conceptual Approaches to Synthetic Tools Prof. Dr. Dorian Didier, Research Group Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Hadron scattering and resonances from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Prof. Dr. Daniel Mohler, Research Group Theoretical Hadron Physics, Department of Physics
Urban Design and Health Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Knöll, Research Group Urban Design and Planning, Department of Architecture
1. Invariants of varieties in positive characteristic 2. Tannaka duality in the non-neutral case over coherent rings 3. Signature character of representations of p-adic groups 4. Generic models of moduli spaces of abelian varieties Prof. Dr. Torsten Wedhorn, Research Group Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
Shimura Varieties, Department of Mathematics
1. Respiratory nitrate ammonification: enzymology and bioenergetics, 2. Establishment of an expression system in W. succinogenes, 3. System II of bacterial cytochrome C biogenesis Prof. Dr. Jörg Simon, Research Group Microbial Energy Conversion and Biotechnology, Department of Biology
Asymmetric fermionic systems: Hot quark matter meets ultracold atomic gases(2018 – 2022) Prof. Dr. Jens Braun, Research Group Strong Interactions and Ultracold Atoms, Department of Physics
Asymmetric fermionic systems: Hot quark matter meets ultracold atomic gases (2021 – 2024) Prof. Dr. Jens Braun, Research Group Strong Interactions and Ultracold Atoms, Department of Physics
Elastic gradient theories and dislocation theories and their application to defects and microstructures Dr. Markus Lazar, Research Group Continuum Mechanics, Department of Physics
Mathematics Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Research Group Complex and Algebraic Geometry, Department of Mathematics
Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Prof. Dr. Christian Hammann, Department of Biology
Modern history Privatdozent Dr. Christian Wieland, Department of History and Social Sciences
Political Science Prof. Dr. Dirk Jörke, Department of History and Social Sciences
Dust in the global system – process-oriented research at the single particle level Prof. Dr. Konrad Kandler, Research Group Atmospheric Aerosol, Department of Material and Earth Sciences
Structure formation and flow dynamics of colloids in nanofilms Prof. Dr. Regine von Klitzing, Research Group Soft Matter at Interfaces, Department of Physics
Theorectical Physics Prof. Dr. Barbara Drossel, Research Group Theory of Complex Systems, Department of Physics
Scrutinizing Black-Box Separations in (Quantum) Cryptography Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin, Research Group Cryptography and Complexity Theory, Department of Computer Science

BMBF Junior Research Groups

The objectives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in promoting ECR include improving career prospects for excellent ECR inside and outside of academia.

For this purpose, the BMBF offers particularly talented scientists the opportunity to gain further scientific qualifications as junior research group leaders in research topics determined in the BMBF calls.

To this end, the BMBF provides particularly qualified scientists with the opportunity to gain further scientific qualifications and conduct research in defined subject areas within the framework of junior research groups.

BMBF Junior Research Groups at TU Darmstadt

Title Head of junior research group
IKIDA – Interactive AI algorithms & cognitive models for human-AI interaction Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Koert
FG Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS)
FB Informatik
TWOB – Künstliche Photosynthese Dr. Marcus Einert
RG (Photo)electrochemistry and -catalysis
Department Materials and Earth Sciences

ERC-Starting Grants

The European Research Council's (ERC) Starting Grant for junior research group leaders emphasises the excellence of the research project as well as proven scientific autonomy and independence from the supervisor of the doctoral thesis. The junior research group can be based at a private or public research institution, with funding provided for up to 5 years.

Learn more

Counselling about ERC funding formats is given by Dr. Barbara Köhler ().

Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups

Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups can be based at a Helmholtz centre or at a partner university. The topics covered by the group must be compatible with both a Heimholtz programme and, at the same time, the core focus of the university or the department. The funding programme is designed for talented postdocs with proven experience abroad. Applications can only be submitted during a call for proposals.

Title Head of young investigator group
Core-collapse supernovae: nuclei and matter at the extremes Jun.-Prof. Dr. Almudena Arcones
Institute for solid state physics
Department of Physics
VIP-QM Exploring Quark Matter with Virtual Photons Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tetyana Galatyuk
Institute for solid state physics
Department of Physics

Support with funding applications

Funding Opportunities at TU
Claude Shannon Fellowships

Guidelines of TU Darmstadt (internal, in German)

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