What is sexualized discrimination?
Sexual discrimination begins where known boundaries are overstepped! It includes any form of sexualized behavior inherent in situations or actions that are considered disrespectful and humiliating by the person concerned and are not welcome. Sexualized discrimination often takes place in relationships of hierarchy and dependency. It can be expressed in many different forms: verbal, non-verbal, physical, virtual:
- Obscene jokes, sexist forms of address and advances, wolf-whistling
- Sexist remarks about appearance, behavior or private life
- Invasive emails, texts, chats, comments
- Posting and disseminating sexist media (e.g., calendars, advertising, posters, flyers…)
- Unwanted physical touching, requests for sexual acts
- Threats of violence, persecution or coercion, rape
Support those who are affected or demand respect and help for yourself. Sexualized discrimination is perceived differently by those affected. Your own situational feeling that something is wrong is a reliable guide. Out of fear for being considered sensitive or unable to take a joke, victims often deny or downplay incidents they have experienced as hurtful and invasive. You are not to blame for other people's misconduct.
If you are affected by sexualized discrimination or assaults, you can and should seek help in acute situations from those present, colleagues and superiors. In acute threat situations, dial the police emergency number: 110
All members of the TU receive confidential counselling at: achtung@tu-darmstadt.de
With this you are writing to the confidental counselling services: (counselling services for employees at TUDa) and BUBB (office against discrimination of TUDa). AD-S
Have you experienced or observed sexualized discrimination and assault?