Political Sciences B.A.
It is always the right decision to study political science, because politics affect us all.
Study programme:
Political Sciences B.A.
Prior education:
I started straight after my university-entrance-diploma.
Why I study at TU Darmstadt:
I chose the TU in 2022 because it offers a wide range of interdisciplinary modules in addition to the diverse political science programmes.
What I like about Darmstadt:
What I particularly like about Darmstadt is the wide range of leisure activities, our castle and the Christmas market in winter.
Fun fact about myself:
If you asked me which Disney princess I would like to be, I would like to be Ariel.
My favourite motto is:
Where there's a will, there's a way.
What makes me happy:
It makes me happy to spend time with my favourite people, to experience new things and to travel.
What I would tell my younger self:
I would advise my younger self that I should always hold on to my wishes and dreams and that where there is a will, there is always a way.