Writing a Bachelor or Master Thesis at TU Darmstadt
If you are planning to write a Bachelor or a Master thesis at TU Darmstadt, you have to find a supervising professor at TU Darmstadt beforehand. For information please have a look at our website of the and contact the prospective professor. As soon as you have found a supervisor at TU Darmstadt, please inform us at departments at TU Darmstadteurope-incomings@zv.tu…and overseas-in@zv.tu…communicating us the name and email address of her/him. (opens in new tab) has to be signed by your prospective supervisor. Your supervisor can exempt you from any language requirements. This document
Important information for the supervision of BA/MA theses at TU Darmstadt:
- Theses cannot be supervised in the Department of Architecture
- Theses can only be recognized in agreement with the home university:
- Option 1: The grading will be done by your home university
- Option 2: The grading will be done at TU Darmstadt and recognized at your home university