Bahnverkehr, Mobilität und Logistik

Master of Science; tuition language: German

The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.


The Master's degree programme Bahnverkehr, Mobilität und Logistik enables professionals and graduates of a first degree programme in the field of transport, logistics or economics to extend their specialist and management skills to the field of railway systems engineering. The focus of the curriculum is on in-depth content in the areas of railway operation, track, vehicle, logistics and transport management as well as mobility. In the Learning Factory EBD (Eisenbahnbetriebsfeld Darmstadt) the current and future operational challenges can be experienced from different perspectives.

The module size is 5 CP throughout. The mandatory area (50 CP) and the elective area (10 CP) together form the core area. In addition, there is the optional area and the recognition of Prior Learning in the amount of 30 CP. The Master's thesis of 30 CP completes the course of study.

Module Overview

Study Regulations with Semester Course and Examination Schedule

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung

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Semesters 4
Language German. Be prepared to read scholarly literature in English.
Star of studies Winter semester, summer semester
Admission Requirements for admission to the Master’s degree programme consists of
1. a degree in Engineering, Transport Science or Computer Science in a similar area with transport science contents (B.A., B.Sc., B.Eng., Diplom), or an equivalent degree;
2. at least two years of relevant professional experience.
Admission to the Master’s Degree programme may also depend on additional requirements. Specific degree entrance requirements may be found here and in the competences description.
Internship ---
Tuition Fees € 7,000 per semester plus semester fee, if applicable. Study and examination documents are included.
Good to know The programme is non-consecutive, subject to a fee and part-time. The maximum number of participants is 18-20. The teaching blocks usually take place from Thursday to Saturday.