University Email Account & TUCaN Messages: What settings are recommended?

Via TUCaN, messages are sent that may be important for your studies. To make sure you take notice of them reliably, it is recommended that you take the following steps:

Step 1: Configure your university email address

  • After having activated your TU-ID, configure your university email address. More information
  • If you don’t configure your university email address directly after activating your TU-ID, please send an email to and request access to your university email address in TUCaN. Please state your TU-ID and university email address in the message portion of the email.

Step 2: Forwarding TUCaN system messages

  • You can also choose to activate the forwarding of TUCaN system messages to your university email account. A tutorial can be found here. If you do so, TUCaN messages stay in your TUCaN webportal and will also be sent to your university email address.