Our Teams

Get to know the three teams in the Identity Management department.

Our mission

The Identity Management department has the mission of building a strong, recognisable, consistent and loyalty-promoting identity that is aligned with the strategic positioning of TU Darmstadt in terms of brand policy. To this end, we engage in relationship and brand management. We help shape the perception of TU Darmstadt internally and externally in an effective, proactive and long-term way. We use our identity to attract people and tap resources for TU Darmstadt. We act in an activating and binding manner in direct contact with the target groups. Based on an integrated mix of identity measures, the Marketing, Friend- and Fundraising and Event Marketing teams work together across the board.

Team Marketing

The central goal of the Student Marketing team is to increase the visibility of TU Darmstadt as an attractive place to study: regionally and nationally, nationally and internationally. In addition, the aim is to arouse interest in studying at TU Darmstadt.

Our range of services: The Student Marketing team coordinates and manages #studentsofTUdarmstadt . The #studentsofTUdarmstadt ambassadors are students from various departments who give TU Darmstadt a face. On their blog and their social media channels Instagram and Facebook, they report on their degree programs, the TU and student life in Darmstadt.

We also advise the departments on student marketing and offer opportunities for networking and coordination between all TU Darmstadt stakeholders in this area. For example, we organize the bi-annual Student Marketing Roundtable. Online campaigns can also be launched by the departments via #studentsofTUdarmstadt.

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Martina EngesserMarketing Managerin
+49 6151 16-24 079
S3|12 633
Melina Rafailidis
+49 6151 16-20 844
S3|12 633
Picture: Gregor Rynkowski
Marion Juras
+49 6151 16-20069

Team Eventmarketing

The Event Marketing team develops central, high-profile formats within the framework of live communication for activation and direct dialog with the target and stakeholder groups. It is responsible for their implementation, taking into account the holistic brand and communication strategy of TU Darmstadt.

The services also include advising internal clients on the possibilities for addressing specific target groups, the concept, the process and implementation.

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Alexander Aschenbrenner,
+49 6151 16-20067
S3|12 655
Philipp Herr,
+49 6151 16-24541
S3|12 656
Corinna Hochrein ,
+49 6151 16-27596
Johanna Jung,
+49 6151 16-20066
S3|12 656

Team Friend- & Fundraising

The Career Service is the hub between the job market and the university. It provides students with knowledge relevant to the job market and employment as well as skills that facilitate career entry – networking events and recruiting formats with employers round off the offer.

The alumni team ties former students to TU Darmstadt. It offers them a platform to network, exchange ideas and reminisce with each other, with lecturers and representatives from the field. To this end, it operates an alumni portal, reports from the TU and organizes events.

The University Support team enables society and business to get involved in science, education and culture through donations and sponsorship as well as university marketing and recruiting. It coordinates the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. It also supports members of TU Darmstadt in the organization of funding projects.

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Picture: Natalya Barthel
Inken Bergenthun
+49 6151 16-27597
S3|12 562
Nadine Darwich
+49 6151 16-27509
S3|12 657
Claudia Huck
+49 6151 16-27595
S3|12 657
Julia Löw
+49 6151 16-20923
S3/12 657
Maria José Vargas RamirezCommunication-/ Content-Managerin International Career Service Rhein-Main (ICS RM)
+49 6151 16-20843
S3|12 563
Doris RebitzerAlumni Manager, Central Alumni Management
+49 6151 16-27819
S3|12 658
Julia Jochim
+49 6151 16-24815
S3|12 563
N.N.Alumni Management