from Germany

About me

Gude, my name is Flo and I am studying biology for my Bachelor's degree. I was particularly impressed by the high practical component of the degree programme at the TU and on my campus. I'm with students@school so I can support students in their choice of degree programmes with my experiences and impressions of the university as a student ambassador.

B.Sc. Biology

"A part of that power which always desires evil and yet succeeds in its studies” – Mephistopheles, maybe someday

Portrait TU Darmstadt Ambassador Florian
Picture: Britta Hüning




Study programme:

B.Sc. Biology

Why I chose TU Darmstadt:

The biology department is known outside of Hesse especially for its high practical content; in addition, representation at TUDay 2018 was just great. You convinced me back then, and I have never regretted the decision today :)

What thrills me about Darmstadt:

The many parks and of course the numerous pubs in the Martinsviertel.

Fun fact about myself:

Enthusiastic collector of rare ferns & mosses ;)

My favorite motto is:

“Learn from your mistakes and never look back”.