B.Sc. Applied Geosciences
I am more or less well informed about the citrus fruits family tree. It may be useless knowledge but I think it is fun.
German & Swiss
Study programme:
B.Sc. Applied geosciences
Why I chose TU Darmstadt:
The good reputation, the combination of core topics in my programme (water, energy, environment) and the proximity to my family.
What I like about Darmstadt:
In the east and in the west the city is connected to the woods and it's easy to be out of the city and into the green very fast. Since I am not much of a city person, I like that very much. Sometimes, it feels like Darmstadt is not as big (it is the biggest city I ever lived in). Depending on the time of day you can be alone in the city-centre or the parks and I like that very much!
Fun fact about me:
I am more or less well informed about the citrus fruits family tree. It may be unuseful knowledge but I think it is fun.
My favourite quote:
He who fights can lose but he who does not fight has already lost. (Bertold Brecht).
What I would say to my younger self:
Believe in yourself, you can do more than you might think. Everyone starts as a beginner, not knowing something should not draw you back. Just start to learn and then do it.
What are the challenges I face in my studies?
To organise the structure of my day, having to plan everything by myself and trying to figure out how to be able to learn and study properly and effectively. Right now this is more important than ever since it is not as easy to talk to other students or just ask them a short question in the hallway.
What makes me happy:
Listening to good and sometimes relaxing music. Being outside the city and walking around outdoors. Meeting with friends or right now: Taking a walk with them.