from Germany

About me

Heya, my name is Levin and I'm studying Cognitive Science. In this programme, I have gained a broad overview over different subjects, especially Computer Science, and because of this I have much freedom regarding what subject I want to focus on in the future. At the moment, I am most interested in philosophy, but programming AI or reading new papers in English is also exciting! I work as an assistant in the Office for International Mobility, where I provide support for exchange students of short term programmes. I spent the biggest part of my life living abroad, and I want to return there in the future. Until then I will probably get my degrees in Germany; I currently am working on the Cognitive Science Bachelors at TU Darmstadt. What will follow, we will see.

B.Sc. Cognitive Science

There is no view from nowhere.

#studentsofTUdarmstadt, Ambassador Levin, Athena, Selfie Spot, Karo 5
Picture: Privat




Study programme:

B.Sc. Cognitive Science

Why I study at TU Darmstadt:

It is one of few unis in Germany that offers Cognitive Science, and out of this pool it is the city that seems the most fun to me and where I already knew more people.

What I like about Darmstadt:

All the possibilities of what I can experience with my friends: There is bars and clubs, community centers and associations, and free time activities as well as possibilities for political engagement. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the amount of things that I want to do. The proximity to Frankfurt has also proven to be very handy for me because of my family, friends and interests that lie there.

Fun fact about me:

I will eat pretty much anything.

My favourite motto:

Sometimes it do be like that.

What makes you happy:

Quiet and a nice book or rumpus and a nice party.

What I would say to my younger self:

Don’t think that everyone else has an idea of what they are doing.