M.A. Data and Discourse Studies
Life is an experiment. There is no manual, no recipe on how to be happy. The best we can do is to try new things out, day by day and see what happens.

Study programme:
M.A. Data and Discourse Studies
Prior education:
Bachelor and Master of History at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Why I chose TU Darmstadt:
The programme I currently do at TU does not exist anywhere else. It is a combination of very different disciplines that you normally would not think of combining. I wanted to make my background in history somehow practical and somehow applicable in the modern world that is why I chose this new programme M. A. Data and Discourse Studies that TU offered last year for the first time. Also, I think TU Darmstadt is located in a very good place, we are in the middle of everything.
What I like about Darmstadt:
The City is full of young people, many things here are done with the hands of youth. This freshness is in the air, together with enthusiasm and unstoppable fantasy of the city of science. Also, whenever you go in Darmstadt you end up in a forest and somehow it always happens so suddenly, I like it a lot, it creates kind of a fruitful balance.
What are the challenges that I face in my studies:
It is not so easy for me to keep my concentration in front of the screen. I think in an actual classroom it is much more natural to stay focused and it doesn't require some extra effort like during an online event. The same I could say about getting in contact with classmates. In online mode, somebody has to be brave enough to make the first step to get to now people, otherwise, it wouldn't happen by itself as it usually does in student life. As well because everything is online there is mostly no reason to move or to go outside and I think it eventually has a strong impact on my productivity and motivation.
Fun fact about me:
When I am nervous, I speak two times more and two times faster.
My favourite motto:
Life is an experiment. No one actually knows how to live it. There is no manual, no recipe on how to be happy. The best we can do is to try new things out, day by day and see what happens. I think if to look at life from such a perspective, many things will seem less scary.
What makes you happy:
The most simple things make me happy: interesting book, tasty food, good conversation or learning something new. And, of course, travelling!
What I would say to my younger self:
I would tell her not to worry so much because there is no reason for it most of the time. Life has ways to sort itself out. I would advise her to take things easier and maybe sleep a little more.
When you were a kid, who(m) did you want to become:
Are you on your way there now?When I was a kid, first I wanted to be a policewoman and then a squirrel. Unfortunately, none of those dreams came true haha.. It's a pity, I'm sure I would have been a great squirrel haha