M.A. Applied Linguistics
If you approach the lecturers, you can pretty much always count on a solution to your problem. And nowhere else than at the TU does it seem easier to get in touch with students from other disciplines.
Study programme:
M.A. Applied Linguistics, prior J.B.A. German Studies and Philosophy.
Why I chose TU Darmstadt:
Because TU Darmstadt offers exactly these subjects, which I wanted to study very much (and currently still study).
What I like about Darmstadt:
The openness and the joy of communicating with each other. If you approach the lecturers, you can pretty much always count on a solution to your problem. And nowhere else than at the TU does it seem easier to get in touch with students from other disciplines. If you talk enough with your fellow students from your own discipline or with students from other disciplines, you can leave the university as a little universal genius!
What makes you happy?
The reward after a successful (or not so successfull but at least I got something done) day of studying. My rewards mostly consist of pizza, chocolate, not-moving-at-all and endless hours on my nintendo switch. Sometimes I'd also buy myself a book. ;)
Pick three words to describe your personality
Curious, nerdy, direct.
What would you tell your younger self?
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes! To be honest: Make mistakes! Make as many mistakes as you need in order to become a professional at everything you want. The more questions you ask, the smarter you get.
You have to do this in Darmstadt:
Try all of the restaurants and cafés in Darmstadt! Seriously, there are lots of very wonderful places to just sit, drink and eat whatever you like (because: Yes, there are many gastronomic specialities in Darmstadt). Maybe just to hang out with your friends or shift your studies into a few nice hours in a café.
Fun fact about me:
Back when I was in my third semester, we were allowed to bring food into one of our philosophy exams. The docent said: “Yeah, bring something that's good for your nerves. Water, food.” So I brought five slices of pizza Margherita into the exam. In the end I passed the exam, yey!
My favourite motto:
Where there is pizza, there's also a way to success.