German, Biology and Philosophy, Teaching at Secondary Schools
University is an exciting time when you discover yourself and develop yourself. So it came about that, in the middle of my studies, I had the desire to study philosophy as a supplementary subject at the same time and I love it!
Study programme:
German, Biology and Philosophy, Teaching at Secondary Schools
Prior education:
High School Graduation (2018)
Why I study at TU Darmstadt:
That's actually a funny story that would start with: “I didn't really want to do that” and end with: “nevertheless it was the best decision ever”. I would need a little novel to explain it better, but the short version is: I first wanted to study something else at another university. But since I was only put on the waiting list there and I had applied to the TU (which I really only did when a friend urged me to have an alternative if necessary, and also with a different combination of subjects) and was then immediately accepted, my life has changed a lot, but definitely for the better. In retrospect, I'm actually very happy that I didn't get a direct offer from the other university at the time. It was all just a lucky coincidence hahaha.
What I like about Darmstadt:
During my orientation week, I noticed straight away that it's the people who make this city what it is. I am so lucky to have found such good friends at this university who motivate me, support me and always make me laugh. The 1.5 hour commute to and from the university every day is also worthwhile for the TU Darmstadt. The professors and my fellow students convinced me that much, although my university girls are now among my closest friends.
Fun fact about myself:
I’m a Youtuber. The name of my Youtube Channel is „Sharmila Priya”.
My favorite motto is:
Do what makes you happy :)
What makes me happy:
Pursue my hobbies such as producing Youtube videos, shopping, eating cheeseburgers and spending a lot of time with family and friends
What I would tell my younger self:
It's ok sometimes not knowing what the right or best way is for you. For example when it comes to careers. It is important that you make a decision at all and that you do so for the right reasons. And the most important reason should be your own happiness.