Awarded for the outstanding achievements of international students at the TU Darmstadt

The DAAD Prize is awarded annually to international students at TU Darmstadt in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and exceptional commitment.

International students are an invaluable asset

The DAAD Prize, which is valued at 1,000 euros per university and has been awarded for more than ten years, is intended to draw attention to the stories of international students at German universities and to help personalise this invaluable group. The aim of the prize is to make it clear that international students take a piece of Germany back to their home countries and bring something of themselves and their culture to Germany – a reciprocal enriching arrangement for both sides. The students who receive such an award through their respective host university stand as representatives for their fellow students from all over the world. They are the future partners for Germany in business, politics and science.

International students of the TU Darmstadt can be nominated for the DAAD Prize for the following reasons:

  • They can demonstrate their excellent academic performance as well as an exceptional social and/or cultural involvement
  • They are international students (they do not hold a German school-leaving certificate) and are enrolled at the TU Darmstadt
  • They are not a guest or an exchange student
  • They are in the advanced stage of their studies. For a Bachelor’s degree: at least second or third semester. For a Master’s degree: at least 2nd semester
    if they are recent graduates (their example was no longer than 3 months ago), or they are doctoral candidates

Please note: The DAAD Prize is not a research award and is not intended to honour doctoral theses.

International students can be nominated by professors and other TU employees. To nominate an international student, please submit the completed nomination form and following documents as PDF files:

  • A compelling and comprehensive CV for the nominated student, including evidence of extraordinary social, societal or intercultural engagement.
  • Official proof of the extraordinary social, societal or intercultural engagement.
  • Current transcript of grades (TUCaN printout not accepted)
  • Copies of degree certificates (Bachelor’s, Master’s)
  • Proof of stated achievements, internships and language skills

Please send all documents to us by .

If you have any questions, please contact .

Nomination Application Form (opens in new tab)

The deadline for nomination is 15. May 2024

Further details on the award ceremony to follow in due course

Award Winners

Picture: Natalie Wocko

2024 – Anna Klyushina

Anna Klyushina, who completed her Master's degree in May 2024 and subsequently started her PhD, is currently a research assistant at the Department of Control Methods and Intelligent Systems. She impressed the jury not only with her academic excellence, but also with her commitment to the university environment.

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Preisträgerin İrem Alp. Der DAAD-Preis geht an internationale Studierende.
Picture: Natalie Wocko

2023 – İrem Alp

İrem Alp, Master's student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded the DAAD Prize 2023 in recognition of her outstanding achievements. Ms Alp was honoured for, among other things, her commitment to environmental protection and nature conservation.

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DAAD-Preisträger 202 an der TU Darmstadt, Omar Dwedary vor einer Tafel
Picture: Diego Ortiz

2022 – Omar Dwedary

Omar Dwedary, Master’s student of Architecture at TU Darmstadt, was awarded the DAAD Prize 2022 in recognition of his diverse social commitment far beyond the norm, and his excellent academic achievements. Mr Dwedary impressed the committee particularly with his curriculum vitae and commitment to democracy.

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Picture: Claus Völker

2021 – Fatma Souissi

Fatma Souissi, master's student in electrical engineering and information technology, convinced the committee members for the DAAD Prize 2021 with her commitment to the international students at the TU Darmstadt and her voluntary work for the university alliance Unite! as student representative as well as with her excellent academic achievements.

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Porträt von Alae Mrani auf dem Platz vor der ULB
Picture: Claus Völker

2020 – Alae Mrani

Alae Mrani, student of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, impressed the members of the selection committee for the DAAD Prize 2020 with his commitment to international students at TU Darmstadt and his work with mentally ill and refugee children.

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Verleihung des DAAD-Preises 2019: Preisträger Ayoub Alhousin (links) und Professor Ralph Bruder, TU-Vizepräsident für Studium und Lehre.
Picture: Claus Völker

2019 – Ayoub Alhousin

Ayoub Alhousin, student of Civil Engineering, was confronted with seemingly unsurmountable challenges, which he overcame through his own initiative, willingness to work hard and through perseverance. His support for refugee students, his commitment to the community and his outstanding academic achievements fully convinced the commission members to select him as recipient of the DAAD Prize.

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Verleihung des DAAD-Preises 2018: Professor Ralph Bruder, TU-Vizepräsident für Studium und Lehre, und Preisträgerin Karla Salazar-Vogel. Bild: Gregor Rynkowski
Picture: Gregor Rynkowski

2018 – Karla Rocío Salazar-Vogel

The young Peruvian Karla Rocío Salazar-Vogel (27), who completed her Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the TU Darmstadt with 'Very Good' grades, is currently working towards her Master's degree in Psychology. Karla ist very popular due to her cheerful, optimistic and hands-on approach and is also a fantastic role model for other international students.

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2017 – Olena Shevkova

Olena Shevkova, a Psychology student who completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the TU Darmstadt achieving ‘Very Good’ grades and financing her studies and expenses entirely through student jobs (including as a research assistant at the Institute of Psychology at the TU Darmstadt). She also impressed and distinguished herself through a very diverse social and cultural activities.

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Ivan Felipe Martinez Valencia (m.) mit Vizepräsident Prof. Ralph Bruder (re.) und Nadia El Nokraschi (li.). Bild: Claus Völker
Picture: Claus Völker

2016 - Ivan Felipe Martinez Valencia

Ivan Felipe Martinez Valencia, student of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, completed his Bachelor’s degree at TU Darmstadt with ‘Very Good’ grades. He was awarded with the DAAD Prize in 2016 due to his impressive, and longstanding, commitment to diverse social and intercultural activities.

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