TUbama Contact Person
What is TUbama? Who can help with questions about TUbama?
TUbama (TU Bachelor and Master Theses) is the digital archive for Bachelor and Master theses at TU Darmstadt. It is the archive for all student theses and the Bachelor or Master thesis needs to be uploaded here by the specified deadline in order to satisfy the requirements for the submission of an electronic copy of the thesis (§ 23 (7) of the General Examination Regulations (APB) at TU Darmstadt).
Who is the contact for questions about TUbama?
The contact address for questions relating to the inspection and approval of the thesis is your . Office for Student Affairs
The uploaded theses is inspected by employees in the Office for Student Affairs for the faculty and approved for archiving.
Contact address for questions relating to the use of the digital archive: tucan@tu-…
The responsible service provider is the Campus Management Department in Directorate II – Studies and Teaching, University Law.
The technical platform for the digital archive is operated by the University and State Library (ULB).