Information events on doing a Doctorate
Ingenium offers two information events for prospective doctoral candidates
On November 30, students can find out online about doctoral opportunities and everything they need to know about doing a doctorate at TU Darmstadt.

The promotion of is important to TU Darmstadt. The early career researchers supports doctoral candidates even before they start their doctorate. With events and counselling services, it offers initial orientation and assistance in the transition from study to doctorate. graduate organisation Ingenium
On November 30, the takes place for the fifth time – digitally and with the participation of all departments and selected structured doctoral programs. Lectures and discussions are offered, during which those interested in doing a doctorate can inform themselves about general and subject-specific requirements as well as different forms of doctoral studies and financing options. The offer is rounded off by individual advice for those who are undecided (“Doing a doctorate: yes or no?”). information day “PromovierDA”