Acting in accordance with equal opportunities and strengthening equal opportunities are guiding principles of the Anti-Discrimination Office, the Diversity Education Office and the Gender Equality Office of the TU Darmstadt. With our specific focuses, we work together for the critical view of dominant power relations and the reduction of discrimination.

Prof. Dr. Heribert Warzecha, Vice President, Academic Affairs and Diversity

Our goal is to create an equitable university that supports its students, employees, and trainees in achieving individual educational and development goals and gives everyone an equitable opportunity to participate.

Porträtbild von Professor Dr. Heribert Warzecha. Seit 01.01.2020 Vizepräsident für Studium und Lehre sowie Diversität. Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Plant Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering am Fachbereich Biologie.
Picture: Katrin Binner

At TU Darmstadt, various departments and units with different expertise and focuses work on structures, processes and activities in the field of anti-discrimination, diversity and gender equality. The work is characterized by subject and thematic overlaps and close cooperation. The areas are united by an awareness for an intersectional perspective in everyday practice. In order to address all topics, it is necessary to work on individual areas in detail from a discrimination-critical, diversity-sensitive or gender-equitable perspective. This results in various tasks on which a constant dialogue and exchange is held and decentralized perspectives are also involved.