Diversity Education Office

The Diversity Education Office (DEO) team provides awareness training to staff, faculty, students, interested students, and guests on topics related to diversity and consults on individual and structural concerns in the field.

The services of the DEO are based on the diversity definition of the diversity strategy of the TU Darmstadt. This

  • is discrimination-critical and intersectional,
  • follows a wide understanding of inclusion,
  • demands social justice and
  • promotes individuality.

In doing so, the DEO, like the diversity strategy of the TU Darmstadt, not only consider the diversity dimensions according to the General Equal Treatment Act (‘Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz’), in addition it widens them to include diverse realities of life that are relevant in the university context and must be taken into account accordingly in all areas of the university.

The diversity dimensions provide analysis criteria to identify possible barriers as well as specific support needs and to promote equal opportunities for all on this basis. In this analysis and process of identification, the focus is on the fact that people are individuals and heterogeneous within the assigned dimensions. Furthermore, that these dimensions are specific to themselves as well as interrelated and powerful on different levels.

Discrimination and discrimination criticism are essential elements of the DEO's understanding of diversity and its work. For this reason, the team works in close cooperation with the Anti-Discrimination Office of the TU Darmstadt and is also networked and in exchange with the numerous important TUDa actors in the field of diversity. A list of these “contact points at TU Darmstadt” can be found below.

The work of the DEO is divided into two areas. The employees are the contact persons for questions regarding the diversity strategy of the TU Darmstadt. In addition, the DEO offers sensitivity training on topics related to diversity, which introduces the topics and promotes (self-)reflection processes.

This results in the following offers and services:

  • Awareness-raising activities in the form of workshops and lectures
  • Consulting for departments, institutions and organizational units regarding diversity-conscious and discrimination-critical (re)design of structures and processes
  • Consulting of lecturers in close cooperation with the Diversity in Studies and Teaching Office at the ‘Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle’
  • Providing information and, in the near future, self-study units.

The specific content of the services is defined in cooperation with the organizing departments on the basis of a needs analysis and the diversity strategy.

If you have any questions about the offers and services and/or are interested, please contact and .

The work of the DEO is divided into two areas. The employees are the contact persons for questions regarding the diversity strategy of the TU Darmstadt. In addition, the DEO offers sensitivity training on topics related to diversity, which introduces the topics and promotes (self-)reflection processes.

This results in the following offers and services:

  • Awareness-raising activities in the form of workshops and lectures
  • Consulting for departments, institutions and organizational units regarding diversity-conscious and discrimination-critical (re)design of structures and processes
  • Consulting of lecturers in close cooperation with the Diversity in Studies and Teaching Office at the ‘Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle’
  • Providing information and, in the near future, self-study units.

The specific content of the services is defined in cooperation with the organizing departments on the basis of a needs analysis and the diversity strategy.

If you have any questions about the offers and services and/or are interested, please contact and .

Study on the topic of “dropping out of studies and tendencies to drop out of studies”

As part of the QUIS Flex project, we are conducting a survey on the topic of dropping out of studies and tendencies to drop out of studies. In addition to the expertise of advisory institutions within and outside of TU Darmstadt, we would also like to conduct interviews with affected students. The aim of the analysis is to find out more about the causes and to derive recommendations for action in order to optimize the study conditions at TU Darmstadt and reduce dropouts. Further information can be found via the link below.

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Diversity Day & Month

TU Darmstadt is a place where diversity is lived and desired. In order to raise awareness of topics and the need for action surrounding diversity, the DEO is organizing Diversity Day and Diversity Month in collaboration with stakeholders at TU Darmstadt.

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  Name Working area(s) Contact
Derman Aygün-Yıldırım
Referentin in Elternzeit
Diversity Education Office
+49 6151 16-20092
S1|03 364
Lea Belz M.A.
Referentin in Teilzeit
Diversity Education Office
+49 6151 16-76679
S1|03 70
Sevim Dylong M.A.
Referentin in Teilzeit
Diversity Education Office
+49 6151 16-20093
S1|03 364

central contact points at the tu darmstadt