Erasmus+ International
with non-European partner countries

Erasmus+ International (KA 171) enables the promotion of mobilities for study, teaching and further and continuing education with selected universities.

Erasmus+ International

Erasmus+ International (KA 171) enables the promotion of mobilities for study, teaching and further and continuing education with selected universities.

Requirements for applying for an Erasmus+ International Scholarship are:

  • a successful application for an exchange place within the exchange programs of the TU Darmstadt and
  • Your future host university must be one of the partner universities funded in Erasmus+ International (see overview below).

Only if both requirements are met, you can additionally apply for a scholarship with us.

Disposal framework in the funding period until 31.07.2026
  • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Reichman University
  • National Cheng Kung University
  • National Sun Yat-sen University

Procedure, application and scholarship amounts

  1. Application for an exchange place at TU Darmstadt.
  2. Invitation to apply for Erasmus+ International funding will be sent automatically after you have been accepted for an exchange place.
  3. Timely submission of your application documents to the International Relations Office.
  4. Acceptance or rejection by the International Relations Office.
  5. Submission of the required Erasmus+ International documents to the International Relations Office Overseas.

The invitation to apply for an Erasmus+ International Scholarship will be sent by targeted e-mail in March and in October.

Applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application in June and December.

Attention: Unfortunately we can only award a few scholarships. Therefore, when choosing a partner university to study abroad, several criteria should play a role and not only the potential Erasmus+ International funding.

Eligible for funding are:

Long-term study visits by students (Bachelor, Master) with a duration of 1-2 semesters.

KA 171 funding includes a grant for travel costs and a grant for living expenses. Inclusion support is also possible for certain target groups.

  • Individual support: 700,- €/month
  • The subsidy for travel costs varies depending on the destination country (see table below).

The travel allowance is calculated as a distance allowance. The distance between the home university and the host university is relevant here. The maximum travel allowance is EUR 1,500.00. The distance is calculated using the EU Distance Calculator by specifying the start (location of the home university) and destination (location of the host university).

In order to promote “green travel”, a one-off grant can be applied for. The condition for this is that low-emission means of transport are used for at least 50% of the journey (outward and return journey). If flights are used (even for only part of the journey), the grant for “green travel” does not apply.

Distance (km) Travel allowance (€) Countries Additional funds for “Green Travel”
2000-2999 360 Israel 50€
>8000 1500 Taiwan

… for participants with child/children

Students who take their child/children with them on an Erasmus study visit can receive special funding as a lump sum. Students with child/children abroad can receive a grant of EUR 250.00 per month in addition to the regular funding, regardless of the number of children.

In order to receive the grant for children, students must submit an application to the Department of International Relations Overseas after nomination and before the start of their stay. A prerequisite for the application is a funding commitment from the Erasmus program. The birth certificate and proof that the child/children are at the place of study (tickets, certificate from the local childcare facility, etc.) are required as proof.

… for participants with disabilities from GdB20/chronic illnesses

Additional funding can be applied for by students with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 20 or in the case of a chronic illness that results in additional financial needs abroad. The amount of the additional funding corresponds to a top-up to the regular funding of EUR 250.00 per month.

Applications must be submitted to the Department of International Relations Overseas after nomination and before the start of the stay. A prerequisite for the application is a funding approval by the Erasmus program.

Proof of this is the disability card or, in the case of a chronic illness, a medical certificate confirming the associated additional financial requirements abroad.

…for students from non-academic parents

If both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences or a comparable degree, this social top-up of EUR 250.00 per month can be applied for.

Applications must be submitted to the Department of International Relations Overseas after nomination and before the start of the stay. A prerequisite for the application is a funding commitment by the Erasmus program.

An informal statement of the educational qualifications of the parents by the student him/herself and a declaration of honor by the parents are considered as proof.

…for employed students who

- have been in employment for at least six months in relation to the start of the Erasmus mobility and

- can provide proof of net earnings of more than EUR 450.00 and less than EUR 850.00 per month

- and whose gainful employment cannot be continued during their stay abroad, resulting in a loss of earnings

can receive this social top-up in the amount of EUR 250.00 per month. Applications must be submitted to the Department of International Relations Overseas after nomination before the start of the stay. The prerequisite for the application is a funding approval by the Erasmus program.

Salary slips, bank statements and the employment contract or its termination during or before the start of the Erasmus study visit are valid as proof.

The scholarship will be paid in two installments. The first installment consists of 70% of the scholarship and 100% of the travel expenses and will be paid at the beginning of the fellowship once all required documentation is received.

The second installment consists of 30% of the scholarship and will be paid at the end of the fellowship once all required documentation has been received.

To receive payment of the scholarship, please submit the following documents via online form in the application portal:

Before the stay

  • Grant Agreement: this document will be emailed to students. Unlike the other documents, the original signed versionof this document must be submitted to the International Relations Office prior to departure.
  • Learning Agreement (part “Before the mobility”)

As soon as the Grant Agreement and the Learning Agreement (part “Before the mobility”) are available, the first installment can be paid.

During the stay

  • Confirmation of Stay: At the beginning of the stay (start of funding as in the Grant Agreement +/- 5 working days) have it signed by the responsible person at the host university.
  • Learning Agreement: In case of changes to the Learning Agreement, the “During the Mobility” part of the form must be completed and submitted by 5 weeks after the start of the stay. Please note that the courses in the Learning Agreement must match the courses in the later Transcript of Records.
  • EU-Survey („Participant Report“) for the European Commission. Access data will be automatically sent to students by the EU database +/- 30 days before departure date. The Survey must be completed online.
    • Send by:
    • Subject: Erasmus+ individual participant report request
  • Confirmation of Stay: At the end of the stay (end of funding as in the Grant Agreement +/- 5 working days) have it signed by the responsible person at the host university and submit it to the International Relations Office.
  • Experience report

As soon as the Learning Agreement (part “During the mobility”), the Confirmation of Stay, the Field Report and the Survey are available, the second installment can be paid.

After the stay

  • Transcript of Records of the host university (if possible with indication of ECTS credits). Please note that the courses in the Transcript of Records of the host university must correspond to the courses in the Learning Agreement (part “Before the mobility” or “During the mobility”) .
  • EU-Survey („Recognition Report“) – recognition of academic achievements – for the European Commission. Access data will be automatically sent to students by the EU database 45 days after the end of the mobility. The survey must be completed online.
  • Confirmation of recognition of achievements from the TU department

You will receive more detailed information about the mentioned documents by e-mail.

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is the European Union's education, youth and sport programme. Find out more on the European Commission's website.

Download PDF documents:

Erasmus+ University Charter (opens in new tab)

Erasmus+ Student Charter (opens in new tab)