Contact us
Services for International Students

Are you an international student studying at TU Darmstadt? Do you have questions? We are here to help! Here you will find contact options, office hours and contact persons for special topics such as exchange programmes, double degree programmes and offers for refugees.

Contact us

International Counter

The International Counter is the first point of contact for international students. You can visit the counter online or on campus Stadtmitte in karo 5.

Opening hours Stadtmitte:

  • Monday 14-16:00 h (CET)
  • Tuesday – Friday 10 – 12:00 h (CET)

Meeting password for the online Counter: Counter

ISS Mobile Counter Lichtwiese:

L4|02 Foyer (HMZ Lichtwiese), Wednesdays from 10-12h.

  • Wed 10-12:00 h- in person
    • May: 8, 22 & 29
    • June: 5, 12 & 19
    • July: 3 & 10

Telephone Hotline for International Students

+49 6151-16 21675

Monday: 10 – 13:00 (CET)
Wednesday: 10 – 13:00 (CET)


For general questions visit the International Counter online or in the karo5 building on campus Stadtmitte . For individual advice, please visit the websites of the responsible unit and contact them by e-mail.

Counter Chat

If you need a quick answer, contact us via our Counter Chat. Available on Tuesdays from 13-15:00 hr. Just click here and we will answer your questions as soon as possible.

Important: keep your camera and microphone off. And use the Q&A Function.

Meeting password for the Counter Chat: Chat

Contact information

Application & Admission
(Enrollment for Degree-Seeking)
International Student Services
Refugee Integration
Exchange Incomings Erasmus
Exchange Incomings Overseas
Exchange Outgoings Erasmus
Exchange Outgoings Overseas

FAQ International Students

Organising your stay

The student ID/ semester ticket will be sent to you by mail to the address saved in TUCaN. If necessary, update your address in TUCaN or inform about your current address.

Please contact in good time. Include your matriculation number in the e-mail and send your current transcript of records as an attachment. This can be . It may take up to 14 days to process your enquiry. The certificate will be sent to you as a PDF by e-mail and is valid without a stamp or signature.

The Foreigners Office works as fast and efficiently as possible. We know that you need these documents, but under the current circumstances, we have no influence on appointments with the immigration authorities.

When you send a request/e-mail to the Foreigners Office, please make sure to write exactly what you need in the subject line. For example: “Fiktionsbescheinigung expired”. Please also make sure to include your full name, the address where you are registered, your birthdate and country (as written on your passport).

When you are in an emergency situation, for example: expired Fiktionsbescheinigung, leaving the country with no valid documents or arrived as a tourist and still waiting more than 8-weeks to receive an appointment, please contact .

Please send your request by email to the (ISS) and mention if you are an exchange or degree-seeking international student.

Please send an email to the . We will offer you video consultation.

For further information on how to prepare for and organise your stay in Darmstadt , please visit the website of the International Student services.

Other questions

International Counter: General questions and concerns; first contact point for international students

International Admission: Questions about application, admission, matriculation, delivery of the semester ticket/ student ID, semester fee and video consultation

International Student Services: Questions about health insurance, visa, residence permit and other non-academic subjects as well as registration for online consultation hours

Housing: Questions about accommodation

  • ESHA: Exchange students
  • Wohnraumservice: International students

Refugees: For specific questions and concerns of refugee students.

Erasmus Incomings Europe: Questions from European incomers

Incomings Overseas:Questions from incomers form overseas

Erasmus Outgoings Europe: Questions from outgoers

Outgoings Overseas: Questions from outgoers

PreCIS: Questions about the PreCIS programme

The Welcome Centre support TU Darmstadt international researchers and ATMs in providing both professional advice and practical help in the non-scientific aspects of international research life in Darmstadt. Please contact the Welcome Centre by .

Contact persons

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Die International Student Services (ISS) an der TU Darmstadt betreuen und unterstützen internationale Studierende, geflüchtete Studieninteressierte und Austauschstudierende in allen nicht-akademischen Bereichen.
International Student Services (ISS)
S4|13 303
Flüchtlingsintegration (ZKF)
Mo + Th 11:00 – 13:00 // Tu 13:00 – 15:00
+49 6151 16-29989
S4|13 301
Benedetta Gennaro PhDHead of Unit
+49 6151 16-26680
S4|13 302
Gabriella D'Introno M.A.Advisor for international students
+49 6151 16-26667
S4|13 303
Picture: Jen Vander Heide
Aaron Szczerba M.A.Unite! Inclusion Officer, Refugee Programmes Officer
+49 6151 16-29987
S4|13 302
Birgit Brandes Dipl.-Ing.
Consultations by appointment only
Graduation grants for international students, Coordinator Refugee Programmes
+49 6151 16-24042
S4|13 303
Mannaseth Nana AbbanRefugee Integration Administration
+49 6151 16- 29988
S4|13 301
Natalie Wocko M.A.Digital Services
S4|13 302
Brenda Gonzalez M.A.Counter and Hotline Coordination (ISS)
+49 6151 16-20157
S4|13 302
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Christian Tischer M.A.Partnerships and Coordination Oversea Exchange
+49 6151 16-21 676
S1|01 517
Sabine Roos Int. Dipl.-Vw.Institutional Erasmus+ Coordination, Strategical Partnerships Europe
+ 49 6151 16 - 24063
S1|01 513
Tanja Torres Alberich Student mobility Europe (incomings), EU - Work-Placement (Internship), Université franco-allemande
+49 6151 16-24061
S1|01 514
Julia Fitzthum M.A.
Deputy Head of International Relations Overseas
Partnerships and Student Exchange USA and Canada
+49 6151 16-24054
S1|01 517
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Preparatory Course and Support Programme for International Students at TU Darmstadt
Dr. Saltanat LangohrHead of Department "Programmes for Preparatory Studies and Entrance to Studies"
+49 6151 16-26665
S4 | 13 305