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Materials Science:
Memory chips for the next computer generations
Computer Science:
Protection against attacks via side channels
Technical Thermodynamics:
Data streams from space
hoch3 FORSCHEN (English) 4/2019
Political Science:
Effective Climate Protection
Quantum Optics:
With Single Atoms to Quantum Technology
The Levers of the European Central Bank
Computer Science:
Machine Learning Algorithms
Progress Report 2018
Summary by Executive Board, from page 4
Academic Affairs, from page 14
Tricky tasks - Run on biomedical engineering degree course - Demanding from the very start - Comprehensive protection - Settling in quickly - Generous opening hours - Courses offered by TU Darmstadt - Facts and figures
Research, from page 30
Top positions in German Research Foundation ranking - Major projects with a promising future - Machine learning for agriculture - From human to artificial intelligence - Recipe against the power of quantum computers - Pros and cons from noise - Health data under lock and key - Faster DNA synthesis - The insect perfume trick - Innovations for waterways and buildings - Overcoming subject boundaries - Top-Level Research
Focus on "Why I study", from page 50
Cooperation and transfer, from page 60
50 years of partnership with Lyon - Energy-efficient ETA factory - Side by side with SMEs - From the laboratory into practice - Ground mission in the lecture hall - Clean water - The mobility of the future - 3D scanner for insects - New tools - Awakening inquiring minds with Merck
Life on campus, from page 74
Thousands were wide awake - 78 Urban quality - Climate-friendly energy centre - Vespa swirl - 90 years university swimming pool - New cultural business with tradition - Facts and figures
Awards, from page 86
Double peak power - Postdocs with Athene - Take-off in research - Search for matter 2.0 - Not always platinum - Instructive - Outstanding - Proximity to the Nobel Prize - Concentrated inspirations - Facts and figures
hoch3 FORSCHEN (English) 3/2019
Materials Science:
Ceramics reveal their secrets
Mechanical Engineering and Biology:
Cell growth on bone implants
Engineering and Natural Sciences:
Complex biomarkers
Stem Cell Biology:
More precise diagnostics of the Coffin Siris syndrome
hoch3 FORSCHEN (English) 1/2019
Energy systems and Power engineering
Upgrade for climate protection
Materials Science
Electronic components in action
City without barriers
Mechanical engingeering:
The road to the car with a true environmental profile
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Biology and algorithms
The virtual cancer patient
Images of Masculinity in the Vegan Era
Materials science
Storing energy by water splitting
Information technology
Transactions via blockchains in real-time
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New materials with surprising ease
Information science
Fishing for substance on the internet digitally
Wastewater technology
The dangers of microplastic in waters
Production of sexual attractants strengthens crop protection
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Practice transfer
Hydraulic engineers develop steps for fish
Basic research
The forces at the core of atoms
Challenge feeding the world
Artificial Intelligence helps agriculture
Machine construction and the treasure of satellite data