You successfully completed your bachelor's – so what's next? TU Darmstadt offers lots of options on how you can further develop yourselves. Either you specialize in a master's degree or you utilize the various offers of support, such as the innovation and founding centre Highest or career service.

Career Service for TU-Students

The high employment rate among graduates is an important criterion that also contributes to the university's good rankings. The TU Darmstadt is not only the second largest employer in Darmstadt, but has also set up a Career Service to make it easier for its students and graduates to start their professional lives. The Career Service fosters its own job portal, organises career and networking events and offers personal counselling.

For students striving for financial independence or who are about to graduate and are planning to enter professional life, the Career Service is exactly the right place to go.

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Further orientation and consulting services

If you already have specific questions or are looking for a consultation with an expert, you can contact these offices directly:

If you would like to get a deeper insight into a specific study programme and talk to students, then register for “Studi für 1 Tag” (“student for 1 day”).

Interested in podcasts? On the fuTUre students podcast, you'll meet students and professionals who talk about their degree programmes, application processes, career paths, and research fields. (Please note: Podcasts are in German only.)