Knowledge, insights, technologies and methods collectively make up the xchange portfolio from TU Darmstadt and its members. In our xchange cicles, we structure this portfolio thematically. In addition, we provide services that are available both to our members (students, doctoral candidates and staff), as well as to our partners and the public.
As core components of our xchange portfolio, our xchange circles address the needs, challenges and problems of society and our partners, as well as current trends. They pool the expertise of our academics in a particular field. Like our research, our xchange circles also continue to develop dynamically and are therefore subject to change.
Within a circle, we seek to undertake xchange with our partners from business, society, politics and culture. We jointly develop formats and services to facilitate this. The outcome of xchange within a circle often comes in the form of specific between individual academics and our partners. cooperative arrangements
Our xchange circles primarily draw on our . three research areas and flagship topics
In the three research areas of Energy + Environment (E+E), Information + Intelligence (I+I) and Matters + Materials (M+M), research at TU Darmstadt is integrated.
Top academics and their teams research on thematically-linked flagship topics that relate to the three research areas. In doing so, they enhance the academic reputation of TU Darmstadt.
A high level of innovation can be applied to the intersections of the three research areas. In the context of xchange, they are therefore particularly relevant and interesting.