Published: 22nd October 2021, last edit: 15th September 2023
Then there is the with a variety of sports fields and the Hochschulstadion (university stadium) (H) . There are more buildings that belong to the organizational unit of the Campus Stadtmitte. You can easily see which part of the campus a building is located on by looking at the first letter of the building name: For example, every building on the Campus Lichtwiese starts with the letter L. After that, the geographic category is specified. The services and counselling building Karo 5 is called S1|01: It is the first building in the S1 area and is located in the inner city. Not too difficult, right? Windkanal and Flugplatz (W)
Between historic and modern: The Campus Stadtmitte
The Campus Stadtmitte is the oldest part of campus and is located in the heart of Darmstadt. Here, historic buildings like the old main building and modern new constructions like the CYSEC building stand side by side. A real highlight is the Herrngarten, Darmstadt’s biggest urban park conveniently located right next to the Campus Stadtmitte and offers the perfect spot for a relaxing lunch break or a coffee with classmates after a lecture.
The is divided into four parts, S1-S4. In the first area, S1 (Stadtmitte Mitte), the service building Karo 5 is located with lots of TU helpdesks and information centres like the Campus Stadtmitte and ZSB. Nearby you can find the International Student Services, the library (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek) and the Bistro LesBar run by the Studierendenwerk. Tip: In the the cafeteria (Mensa Stadtmitte), you can get help fixing your bike even without an appointment. In the student bike repair shop Zwanzig°, you can enjoy a cold beverage or a cultural event after class. Located inside the historic castle, there is a café and cultural club 806qm. In the summer, you can also find a beer garden there. student nightclub, the Schlosskeller
Stadtmitte S4
Several buildings under the label S4 are associated with the Campus Stadtmitte. Some of them are located near the Campus Stadtmitte like the . Five buildings are on or near Landwehrstraße. Other buildings are not nearby: University archive and a building with a focus on IT and Artificial Intelligence are near the train station. At the northern end of the city, the The Studienkolleg for international students and the Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Hausare located. ´ TU Darmstadt horse-riding club
The Campus Lichtwiese: Space for Research
At the southeast end of the city, a new campus location was established in the 1960s: the Campus Lichtwiese. Today, the STEM-departments such as Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Material Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture can be found at this location. New buildings, institutes and labs are still added to offer space for teaching and learning to students and researchers. The Campus Lichtwiese is divided in five areas from L1 to L5.
Of course, there’s a at this campus location too. Another interesting place here is the solar building, developed by students, that houses cafeteria and beer garden that centrally controls and supports a number of sustainability projects. the office for sustainability
The greenest campus location: Welcome to the Botanical Gardens
You might have guessed it from the name: Here, you are surrounded by greenery. Centre of this campus location is its namesake, with its 200-year history that houses a variety of plants. The Departments of Biology and Geosciences are located here. But even if you’re studying something completely unrelated – the Botanical Garden are always worth a visit and there is lots to discover! the Botanical Gardens
Tip! No need to be hungry during class!
You don’t have time for cooking or just don’t feel like it? Then the ran by the Studierendenwerk are your new best friend! In addition to the cafeterias, there are several cafes and bistros located at the different campus locations that will make sure you don’t have to go hungry. The cafeterias can be found online so always know what to expect. cafeteria menus
As you can see, TU Darmstadt campus life is exciting and there is lots to see! No matter which part of campus you’ll spend time on: We hope you’re comfortable!
Hello! My name is Richard and I am studying biology and chemistry to become a teacher at secondary schools. Becoming a teacher is my dream job. By combining my science subjects with sociology, education and psychology, I look at many exciting questions from different perspectives during my studies. I love to support other people in their endeavours.
Hi, I’m David and I’m doing my master’s in Information Systems Technology. As you’ve probably never heard of it: this degree is a combination of electrical engineering and information technology, as well as computer sciences, meaning it’s the best of both worlds! I love the great diversity of my course and that you can choose your own focus areas from many different modules from the two “main” subjects.I’ll tell you more about what makes my degree at TU Darmstadt so special here.
Hey, my name is Moritz and I’m studying Digital Philology at the TU Darmstadt. You can find out here why I chose such a specialty degree programme and why I especially profit from and enjoy working together with other departments. Maybe we’ll run into each other at TU Darmstadt on Campus Stadtmitte or we’ll get to know each other through my work on the faculty’s council and as a member of the university student council. If you see me around, please feel free to say hi!
Hey, human! I’m Moiz and I hail from Karachi, Pakistan. I study Materials Science. I had always had a dream of studying and living abroad, mainly because of my previous travels to several countries around the world for the game of Scrabble. Out of all, I chose TU Darmstadt because of its research profile and rankings. So, either you are already living your dream of studying abroad or about to live it, I hope that I can help you in your journey with my experiences.