
Leaving Darmstadt and Germany there are a couple things everyone has to be aware of.

Here you can find answers to your most important questions regarding the end of your stay here at TU Darmstadt.

Leaving TU Darmstadt

When you are leaving TU Darmstadt, please be aware of the following steps:

Fill out the Antrag auf Exmatrikulation to terminate your status as a student at TU Darmstadt. You may find the form in TUCaN under Service> forms. Either state the exact date you wish to de-register or fill in the official end of the semester (SoSe: September 30th/WiSe: March 31st). Submit the form whenever you wish to de-register.

Once you receive the confirmation in your TUCaN Account under service > my documents, make 2 copies which you submit to the office of International Relations of TU Darmstadt and your health insurance company (this can also be scanned and sent per email). Keep the original certification – You will need it if you ever want to apply at a German University again.

If you are still taking exams or if you are taking exams from TU Darmstadt under the supervision of your home institution when you are back in your home country, you have to stay enrolled at TU Darmstadt. Furthermore, you cannot cancel your health insurance before you de-register. TK suggests writing the same date for de-registration as your departure date.

Your Semester ticket will expire directly after de-registration.

If you are an Exchange or Double-Degree Student, you should contact the Studienbüro in your host department and inform them that you are leaving TU Darmstadt since your exchange stay has come to an end. Inform them to send your transcript of records to the relevant office at your home university by providing the address and coordinator’s name.

If you are an exchange student from North-America or South-America, you should fill out the Transcript Release Form (opens in new tab) and submit it to your coordinator at the office of International Relations and Mobility.

Leaving Germany

When you are leaving Germany, please be aware of the following steps:

Submit the Techniker Krankenkasse (opens in new tab) cancellation form (per post or per email) and a copy of the university de-registration confirmation to TK at least 4 weeks before your departure. Please make sure to pay the last month of your stay in advance. TK normally debits your bank account every 15th of the month for last month payments. If you are insured at another company please inform yourself about their policies.

Fill out the Abmeldung (opens in new tab) form and submit it to the Einwohnermeldeamt (Grafenstraße 30, 64283 Darmstadt). It’s the same process as when you registered. Take a ticket and wait for your number to be called on the screen or make an appointment on their website. Make sure to bring your Passport and/or Residence Permit together with the filled out form.

After you de-register, check the website “Rundfunkbeitrag” and follow: Alle Formulare -> Wohnung abmelden -> Ich möchte eine Wohnung abmelden, weil ich dauerhaft ins Ausland ziehe. Step 4: Upload a scan of your de-registration form. You will then be free of any GEZ troubles!

If you are going to move to another city within Germany you won’t need to de-register at the City Hall here in Darmstadt. Therefore, you will need to register at the registration office in the new city as soon as possible. They will handle your de-registration in Darmstadt on their own.

Make an appointment with your on-site service to have your room checked and to hand in your keys on the day you are leaving. Fill out a form with your bank account details to get back your security deposit which will be transferred to your bank account within 6 months after moving out:

  • Studierendenwerk: You can also write down your home bank account but there may be a 30-50€ bank transfer fee and/or currency exchanges
  • HEAG & ESG: The deposit HAS to be transferred to a German bank account.

If you found a flat on the private housing market or applied directly with one of the dormitory operators, please check your contract for cancellation deadlines.

country (e.g. to receive your security deposit from student housing). You can close a normal German bank account either via online banking or by going to the bank directly.

Non-EU Students with a blocked account will have to show proof of leaving by handing in your de-registration papers from the city hall.

  • Sparkasse: Make an appointment at the Foreigners Office and apply for a confirmation to close the blocked account (Freistellungsschein/Sperrfreigabe). Bring it with you to Sparkasse in order to close the account. You will then receive the rest of the money from that account in cash. Once you receive the deposit from housing via your Sparkasse regular account, you can transfer it to another account (ex. home bank account). You can then close the Sparkasse regular bank account via online-banking.
  • Deutsche Bank: Make an appointment at the Foreigners Office and apply for a confirmation to close the blocked account (Freistellungs-schein/Sperrfreigabe). Keep that document after leaving the country! After you received the deposit from student housing, check the website of Deutsche Bank and follow: Konto und Karte -> International Students -> Forms -> closing a blocked account. Fill out the form and send both documents via mail to the main branch of Deutsche Bank.

If you purchased a contract make sure to cancel it before leaving. They will send you post per mail to pay your monthly fee if you don’t. You could run into problems if you ever want to re-enter Germany and still have charges running. Those with a pre-paid SIM card do not have to do anything. It will automatically expire at the end of the month.


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