Course Catalogue – TUCaN
You need help in finding the right courses or creating your timetable? TUCaN is your personal assistant that helps you to organise your studies.
is the campus management system of TU Darmstadt. It provides our students with all services and information regarding courses and tests and serves as the central course catalogue ( TUCaN). Vorlesungsverzeichnis
On the TUCaN pages you can find all courses currently offered at TU Darmstadt.
Note: TUCaN only provides the course catalogue for the current (and the past) semester(s). However, most lectures are held annually and generally there are just a few changes each year. That means if you want to plan your studies for the upcoming semester you have to refer to the course schedule of a previous semester. To know which lectures will be held in summer 2019, you can refer to the summer semester 2018 course schedule; for winter 2017/18 please check the winter semester 2016/17.
Once you are at TU Darmstadt, TUCaN offers you a lot more and is the most important tool to organise your studies. It is here where you can:
- register for modules, courses and exams
- get news and material for your courses
- check your grades
- create your personal timetable
- and much more
In order to use these services, you have to log in with your and your password. TU ID
More information and instructions on how to use TUCaN can be found on the website or at the TUCaN Service Desk in building TUCaN information S1|01 Karo 5.