Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

Bachelor of Science; tuition language: German

The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.


The Bachelor of Science Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie is divided into its two majors, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. The mathematical and mechanic fundamentals of the first semester remain more or less identical.

Module Handbook

Study Regulations with Semester Course and Examination Schedule

Course Catalogue

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

To enlarge / show pdf of both profiles please click on the picture.
To enlarge / show pdf of both profiles please click on the picture.

Civil Engineering at TU Darmstadt

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Geodesy at TU Darmstadt

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Possible from (almost) everywhere:

Online Self-Assessment for selecting a course of study
Podcast “fuTUre students”
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Come and see, touch and feel, meet and greet:

hobit: Hochschul- und Berufsinformationstage in Darmstadt (orientation event)
University visits, labs, internships, and more

Orientation after enrolment:

Orientation programme “navigatING”
(for the programmes B.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen, B.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik; B.Sc. Maschinenbau – Sustainable Engineering; B.Sc. Umweltingenieurwissenschaften)

Perspectives on careers:

Career guidings with the #studentsofTUdarmstadt
TU Darmstadt Career Service

Semesters 6
Language German. Individual courses can be offered in English. Please be aware that scientific literature is be read and edited also in English.
Start of studies Winter semester
Internship A 12-week internship must be completed before taking up the degree programme. Proof of this must be provided at the Internship Office by the end of the 2nd semester at the latest.
Admission requirements Applying with international qualifications:
Language requirements, required documents
Application Application deadlines and online application
Good to know Costs and budget
einfachsTUdieren : Pre-Courses, getting started
Preparatory courses for international students
Minimum requirements by the end of the second semester
Study Abroad
Part-time studies

Construction, planning, building organisation, and finally the execution of construction itself constitute the main field of activity of civil engineers. They do not only take on the classic planning of buildings but also concern themselves with infrastructural measures such as the construction and maintenance of transport routes, drinking water supply systems, or energy-efficient modernisation of buildings.

Surveying can be roughly divided into three parts: engineering surveying (construction of buildings, roads, bridges and tunnels), land surveying (making maps), and real estate surveying (locating the exact boundaries of a property). Thus, on-site activities are part of the job.

Geodesists are also involved in the development of modern geo-informational systems or satellite navigation systems. Consequently, there is a strong reference to information technology.

Generally speaking, it is important to start early in the degree programme to gain practical work experience in relevant organisations. In this way students can promote themselves as competent professionals in practice and make important professional contacts. The likelihood of finding a good position is definitely heightened if the student is flexible when it comes to commuting or even moving abroad. Good English language skills are particularly important when it comes to the international job market.

TU Darmstadt Career Service