Linguistic and Literary Computing
Master of Arts; tuition language: German and English
The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.
The bilingual (German and English) Master of Arts programme in Linguistic and Literary Computing acquaints the students with digital resources, infrastructures and methods in regard to philology.
The two main areas of specialisation are Computer Philology and Corpus and Computer-based Linguistics.
Additionally, computer programming and an English language course (levels C1 – C2 GER) are part of the programme.
(opens in new tab) Module Handbook
Study Regulations with Semester Course and Examination Schedule
Structure of the degree program
The degree programme is divided into five topic areas:
•Digital Humanities: Introduction
•Linguistic and Literary Computing
•Corpus and Computer Linguistics
•Computer Philology
•English Language skills
•Computer Science
Information on the areas of specialisation:
Computer Philology looks into questions of media-based and digital rendering of texts from literary and cultural contexts. This regards, among others, the medial aspects of texts and their digital rendering in editions, and computer-aided search in larger texts.
Corpus and Computer-based Linguistics have at their core the computer-aided analysis of linguistic data bases, the so-called corpora. Students learn the systematic and reproductable analysis of linguistic questions.
The programme is completed with a Master’s Thesis.