Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
European Researchers' Night: Unite! smart cities – by and for the citizens
On European Researchers' Night the Unite! alliance invites you to learn about the transition to sustainable and climate-neutral cities by 2030.
The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 25 countries on Friday 30 September 2022. The Unite! University Alliance is participating.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Let's Unite! – Get to know Airi Nevalainen und Joona Huikuri
The Unite! community introduces itself
Unite! is a living and constantly growing alliance. Many people at the seven (soon to be nine) partner universities are working on different projects to make a European University a reality. Who they are and what exactly they do is what we show in the series “Let's Unite! – Get to know…”. This time, students Airi Nevalainen and Joona Huikuri from Aalto University introduce themselves.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Get ready for Unite! 2.0
The VI Unite! Dialogue is fast approaching
To close the pilot phase of the Erasmus+ project and launch the future activities, the Alliance will hold the VI Unite! Dialogue in Politecnico di Torino, with task force meetings and public plenary sessions.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite! fosters Open Science and builds network
Open Science Summer School at Aalto University
One of the focus areas of the UNITE.H2020 project is the promotion of open science. Open science is transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks. It involves sharing ideas, data, methods and results with local, national, regional and global collaborative networks of research participants. It also goes beyond this to encompass the production and use of this scientific knowledge among these collaborative networks.
Bild: USZBild: USZ
Platz nehmen und ins Gespräch kommen
Auftaktveranstaltung „getTUgether“ am 21. September
Auf dem Campus Stadtmitte, Lichtwiese und Botanischer Garten der TU Darmstadt sind ab dem 21. September 2022 mehrere Sitzbänke als „getTUgether“ Bänke gekennzeichnet. Diese bieten Gelegenheit, einander zu begegnen, in den Austausch zu kommen – oder ganz einfach ein Gespräch zu führen.
Picture: Britta HüningPicture: Britta Hüning
Deutschlandstipendium at TU Darmstadt
Apply now online till October 7, 2022
Great opportunity: The Deutschlandstipendium offers students 300 euros per month, for at least one year and independent of BAföG. In addition, scholarship holders get in contact with representatives of industry and society and can start forming their own network.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite! is guest at Wroclaw Tech
Members of all Unite! partner universities visit the new partner in Poland
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Tech), which together with the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) have recently joined the Unite! alliance, hosted the last meeting of representatives of all Unite! Steering Committee. This body of the alliance integrates the so-called Key Liaison Officers (KLO) along with their deputies, and it is responsible for the coordination and continuous development of the alliance, as well as for cooperation between the partner universities, comprising the representatives from all partners.
Bild: Klaus MaiBild: Klaus Mai
Gestalte die Erstsemesterbegrüßung mit!
Studierende für Moderation, Videoproduktion und Interviews gesucht
Du möchtest mit uns gemeinsam einen tollen Einstieg für unsere „Neuen“ in das Studium an der TU Darmstadt gestalten? Das Eventmarketing-Team der TU sucht für die zentrale Erstsemesterbegrüßung 2022 am 17. Oktober Studierende für die Moderation, als Field-Reporter:in sowie als Video-Interview-Partner:in für Erfahrungsberichte rund um das Studium. Interesse? Bewirb dich bis zum 2. September.
Picture: Fredrik PerssonPicture: Fredrik Persson
14.4 million euros for Unite! alliance
European Commission approves funds for second funding phase
Unite!’s proposal to be a technology and innovation driver for the advancement of a green and digital Europe has been approved by the European Commission (EC).
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Master's thesis on european electricity pricing
Department of Mechanical Engineering is looking for Unite! students
The Institute for Mechatronic Systems of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the TU Darmstadt is looking for a Unite! student who is interested in doing a Master's thesis on European electricity pricing. The institute will provide supervision both on-site (Erasmus programme) and virtually (without exchange programme).
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Launch of the Autumn series of the Unite! virtual language and global competence courses
Unite! students can access the new autumn offer of online language courses, communication and global skills offered by the member universities of Unite!
The Unite! Multilingual and Multicultural Training Centre has launched the new autumn series of Virtual learning tools and Language learning. These course offer students the possibility to improve their global competence, their ability to communicate and work effectively with people of different backgrounds through language and culture courses. The courses can be taken online and its an opportunity to learn with students from other European universities. Participating in this offer of courses, the student will be able to improve his knowledge of some of the nine official languages of the alliance.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Let's Unite! – Get to know Eudeline Peigneux
The Unite! community introduces itself
Unite! is a living and constantly growing alliance. Many people at the seven (soon to be nine) partner universities are working on different projects to make a European University a reality. Who they are and what exactly they do is what we show in the series “Let's Unite! – Get to know…”. Student Eudeline Peigneux from Grenoble INP – UGA introduces herself.
International Careers in German Companies
Recording of the Unite! career session
More than 100 students and doctoral candidates attended a career online session on 8 June 2022 to learn about career opportunities for international talents in Germany. The event was part of the event series “Empower your career with Unite!”.
Picture: TU DarmstadtPicture: TU Darmstadt
Let's Unite! – Get to know Benedetta Gennaro
The Unite! community introduces itself
Unite! is a living and constantly growing alliance. Many people at the seven (soon to be nine) partner universities are working on different projects to make a European University a reality. Who they are and what exactly they do is what we show in the series “Let's Unite! – Get to know…”. This time, our TU colleague Benedetta Gennaro introduces herself.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite!4Future 2nd call winners revealed
The winning project was the “Unite! Arts & Sports festival”, which was announced last week during the Unite! Summer Community Event in Stockholm
In the Unite! 4Future competition, mixed student teams from all Unite! partner universities compete against each other with their ideas for the university of the future. The second round of the competition was won by the team “Unite! Arts & Sports Festival”. The award ceremony took place last week during the Unite! Summer Community Event in Stockholm last week.