Unite! und Una Europa arbeiten zusammen
Gemeinsame Lösungen für die Förderung nachhaltiger Energie in Europa
Unite! und Una Europa, zwei Universitätsallianzen, die insgesamt 20 europäische Universitäten vereinen, haben sich für gemeinsame Matchmaking-Aktivitäten zum Thema nachhaltige Energie in Horizon Europe – dem Europäischen Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation – zusammengetan. Die beiden Veranstaltungen – ein digitales Pre-Matchmaking und ein persönliches Treffen in Brüssel – brachten 46 Forschende aus 15 Universitäten und 10 Ländern zusammen. Drei neue europäische Forschungskonsortien bereiten derzeit Vorschläge für kommende Ausschreibungen in Horizon Europe Cluster 5 „Klima, Energie und Mobilität“ vor.
Unite! Student Festival Lisbon 2023
This is your chance to participate in the Unite! Student Festival held this June in Lisbon. The goal of this festival is to bring together the international Unite! student community and raise their engagement within the alliance.
The Unite! Student Festival Lisbon 2023 will be hosted at University of Lisbon (ULisboa), from June 29 to July 1, 2023 and will gather students from all nine partner universities. It will combine fun, interculturalism and co-creation activities to boost the engagement of Unite! Students community. The participation for Unite! students is free and you can expect travel costs, accommodations and activities to be covered by your university. The deadline for registration is 15 March 2023.
Picture: Jan-Christoph HartungPicture: Jan-Christoph Hartung
Enhancing collaborations within Unite! – VII Unite! Dialogue
To start off with the new phase of the Erasmus+ project, the alliance will hold the 7th Unite! Dialogue hosted by Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, from February 28 to March 2, 2023.
Grenoble INP-UGA is hosting the 7th Unite! Dialogue from the 28th February until the 2nd March, bringing together the whole Unite! community of the nine partner universities. After being granted additional funding for another four years in the Erasmus+ program, this particular Dialogue is the opportunity for all the members working in Unite! projects (Communities (E+), Work Packages (H2020), JPROV and IDEM) to gather and make decisions shaping the future of the Alliance.
Hochschulweiten Berichte der Alumnibefragung 2021/22 sind online
Stimmen der TU-Bachelor- und Masteralumni
Wie bewerten die Alumni der TU Darmstadt rückblickend ihr Studium? Nehmen die Bacheloralumni nach dem Abschluss ein Masterstudium auf? Wenn ja, an welcher Hochschule und wie gut gelingt der Übergang? Wo, wie gut und wie schnell fassen die Masteralumni nach dem Studium im Berufsleben Fuß?
Bild: Britta HüningBild: Britta Hüning
Studierende und Lehrende im Fokus
TU Darmstadt entwickelt aktuelles Leitbild für Studium und Lehre
Mit einer Weiterentwicklung ihrer Grundsätze für Studium und Lehre schärft die TU Darmstadt ihr Profil in diesem wichtigen Teilbereich. Vizepräsident Heribert Warzecha erläutert, was sich dahinter verbirgt.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
New vision for transnational university collaboration pioneered under European Degree label project
Unite! and five other alliances have secured the European Commission’s support for ED-AFFICHE, their joint proposal to pilot the European Degree label funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
This unprecedented collaboration among European University Alliances will enable Unite!, Una Europa, 4EU+, CHARM-EU, EC2U and EU-CONEXUS to make bold steps towards realising the transformative potential of the European Degree label. Pooling their collective expertise, the consortium will seek to improve the process of developing joint degrees as a central strand of the project.
Unite! works for the green transformation of Ukrainian universities
Following the initiative of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Unite! has invited seven universities from Ukraine to collaborate
The tertiary institutes will implement the “Green Transformation at Ukrainian Universities” project, funded by the National Academic Exchange Agency. The main objective is to support the academic community of Ukraine by engaging partner institutions in regular activities under the Unite! Erasmus+ programme, this work will be carried through by Unite!’s community devoted to “An Open Innovation Community for the Green Transition”, led by Wrocław University of Science and Technology. A second, equally important objective is to establish permanent cooperation between Ukrainian universities and Unite!, which will facilitate the country's post-war reconstruction process, as well as constituting an important step in the process of its integration into the European Union.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Let's Unite! – Get to know Minna-Kaarina Forssén and Anneli Vartio
The Unite! community introduces itself
Unite! is a living and constantly growing alliance. Many people at the seven (soon to be nine) partner universities are working on different projects to make a European University a reality. Who they are and what exactly they do is what we show in the series “Let's Unite! – Get to know…”. Minna-Kaarina Forssén and Anneli Vartio from Aalto University will start this year.
Finally no more paper!
Digital forms in TUCaN
From January 1st, 2023 you can submit your forms directly via your TUCaN account in the section Service > Forms. You can track the status of your forms and no longer have to wait for a postal response.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite!4Future 2023
Share your vision of the university of the future and participate in the Unite! Student Festival
Gather a team of students in Unite! universities, prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future and compete with other teams to win a participation on the Unite! Student Festival in Lisbon.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
ULISSES goes into the 3rd round
Interdisciplinary research project for all Unite! students
Unite! students have until the 15th of January to apply to take part in an interdisciplinary real-life research project for the solution of an important challenge related to the sustainability of the Oceans. ULISSES – University of Lisbon Interdisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Environment and Seas is a project that will provide students with a deep knowledge of ocean related problems.
Let's Unite! – Get to know Arnold Pears
The Unite! community introduces itself
Unite! is a living and constantly growing alliance. Many people at the seven (soon to be nine) partner universities are working on different projects to make a European University a reality. Who they are and what exactly they do is what we show in the series “Let's Unite! – Get to know…”. This time, Arnold Pears from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology takes on.
Bild: Patrick BalBild: Patrick Bal
Bessere Chancen für Studierende der ersten Generation
TU Darmstadt kooperiert mit ArbeiterKind.de
Studierende der ersten Generation erfolgreich stärken – das ist das Ziel einer gemeinsamen Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen der TU Darmstadt und der gemeinnützigen Organisation ArbeiterKind.de. TU-Präsidentin Professorin Tanja Brühl und Anna Spengler von der ArbeiterKind.de gGmbH, unterzeichneten am 2. Dezember 2022 das Partnerhochschul-Programm von ArbeiterKind.de.
Bild: Rüdiger Dunker FotodesignBild: Rüdiger Dunker Fotodesign
Herausragenden Bachelor- und Master-Abschlussarbeiten geehrt
Datenlotsen-Preise 2021 und 2022 verliehen
Am vergangenen Freitag (2.) sind an der TU die Datenlotsen-Preise für die Jahre 2021 und 2022 verliehen worden. Mit dem Datenlotsen-Preis werden jährlich bis zu vier Absolventinnen und Absolventen der TU Darmstadt für ihre herausragenden Bachelor- und Master-Abschlussarbeiten in den Fächern Informatik, Mathematik oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen gewürdigt.
New spokespersons for SURE!
Beatriz de Sousa Rodrigues and Pau Maza y Díaz will represent Unite! students in future
SURE! (Students in Unite! for Representation and Empowerment!) has introduced its two new spokespersons coinciding with the new phase of the alliance. They are Beatriz de Sousa Rodrigues, from ULisboa and Pau Maza, student at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC). SURE! is the student representative body of the alliance and as such participates in the Unite! Steering Committee. Unite! SURE! offers students from the nine Unite! partner universities the opportunity to co-create and engage with their peers from other European universities, who can then participate in the decisions and projects implemented by the alliance.