Bild: TUDSat/Leo JungBild: TUDSat/Leo Jung
Über den Wolken
Hochschulgruppen unter der Lupe: TU Darmstadt Space Technology e.V.
„The sky`s not the limit” ist das Motto von TU Darmstadt Space Technology e.V. (TUDSaT). 2016 gegründet, gehört das Team zu den jüngeren Hochschulgruppen. Die Faszination der Luft- und Raumfahrt ist der gemeinsame Nenner der Mitglieder, die sich auf die drei Projekte TRACE-CubeSat, Rocketteam und CanSat verteilen. Außerdem engagiert sich die Gruppe beim Bundesverband studentischer Raumfahrt e.V. bei politischen Themen wie Raketenstartplätzen in Deutschland sowie Startgenehmigungen. Der Verein hat aktuell fast 150 Mitglieder, von denen etwa 50 aktiv an den Projekten mitarbeiten.
Bild: Emelie MelchertBild: Emelie Melchert
Unbemannt auf hoher See
Hochschulgruppen unter der Lupe: das Sailing Team der TU Darmstadt
„Technik lernt Segeln“: Das ist das Motto des Sailing Teams Darmstadt (stda). Seit 2008 entwickelt die Hochschulgruppe Segelboote, die unbemannt und energieautark den Atlantik überqueren sollen. Das autonome Segeln birgt neue Herausforderungen, die innovative und kreative Lösungen benötigen. Dazu arbeiten die Studierenden unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche in interdisziplinären Teams zusammen, die sich mit Aufgaben aus den Bereichen Energieversorgung, Kursfindung, Elektronik, Regelungstechnik, Mechanik, Organisation und Software beschäftigen.
Bild: Britta AlthausBild: Britta Althaus
Studienbedingungen mitgestalten
Zentrale Ergebnisse der TU-Studierendenbefragung 2023 liegen vor
Wie zufrieden sind Studierende der TU Darmstadt in ihrem Studium? Wie zufrieden sind sie mit der Infrastruktur und den Beratungsangeboten? Diese und weitere Fragen werden in einem hochschulweiten Bericht beleuchtet, der kürzlich von der Hochschuldidaktischen Arbeitsstelle (HDA) veröffentlicht wurde.
Bild: Klaus MaiBild: Klaus Mai
„Gemeinsam Verantwortung übernehmen“
Erstsemesterbegrüßung 2023 im Audimax
Viele Informationen, Anregungen und ermutigende Worte: Am 11. Oktober wurden im Audimax die neuen Erstsemester-Studierenden an der TU Darmstadt begrüßt.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Deutschlandstipendium at TU Darmstadt
Apply now online till October 6 2023
Great opportunity: The Deutschlandstipendium offers students 300 euros per month, for at least one year and independent of BAföG. In addition, scholarship holders get in contact with representatives of industry and society and can start forming their own network.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite! Seed Fund supports two student projects
ARISE programme and READING Unite! – U! Reading Club receive financial support
With the Unite! Seed Fund, Unite! aims to financially support innovative, co-creative and collaborative ideas from teachers, researchers and students within the Unite! alliance and to encourage the exploration and development of attractive and diverse activities and projects. The first call started in May this year. Now the first student projects are being financially supported.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Unite! Workshop: Energy & Green Transition & Climate
The workshop will take place from the 16th until the 18th of September 2023 in Karpacz (Poland)
Unite! partner university Wrocław Tech invites you to Karpacz from 16 to 18 September 2023 to join young researchers, PhD students and industry and policy experts in addressing pressing global challenges and promoting sustainable circular economy practices and initiatives: The focus will be on energy, green transition and climate.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
The VIII Unite! Dialogue will be focused on Unite! Ecosystems
Wrocław Tech will be hosting the upcoming edition of the VIII Unite! Dialogue, titled “Unite! Ecosystems,” scheduled to take place from the 19th to the 21st of September 2023.
This highly anticipated event will bring together representatives from all alliance universities, including faculty, staff, students, and decision-makers, to collaborate and discuss the future of the European University. The theme of “Unite! Ecosystems” encapsulates the core focus of the Dialogue, emphasizing the importance of fostering collaboration and integration within European University ecosystems to drive innovation, efficiency, and sustainable growth. By uniting ecosystems, the event aims to create a dynamic platform for diverse stakeholders to connect, exchange ideas, and collectively shape the future of higher education.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Connecting the Unite! student community at the Unite! Student Festival
The Unite! Student Festival Lisbon 2023 took place at the University of Lisbon, between the 29th of June and the 1st of July 2023, the first event for the entire student community of the nine Unite! partner universities.
For three days, the University of Lisbon experienced a special moment with the presence of two hundred students from the nine Unite! partner universities, who gathered in the Unite! Student Festival, in what was the first alliance event, by students, for students.
Bild: Claus VölkerBild: Claus Völker
Eine Art Rettungsring für Studierende
Stiftung gibt Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
Die Hamburger E.W. Kuhlmann-Stiftung fördert die TU Darmstadt mit 100.000 Euro. Das Geld soll für die Unterstützung Studierender eingesetzt werden – in Form von 20 Deutschlandstipendien, aber auch als zinslose Kredite, damit Studierende ihr Studium erfolgreich abschließen können. Hinter der Stiftung stehen der 93-jährige Edmund Kuhlmann und seine Frau Edith, die mit ihrem Vermögen jungen Menschen zu einem guten Start ins Berufsleben verhelfen wollen.
Picture: Jannik HoffmannPicture: Jannik Hoffmann
New Bachelor's degree program in Engineering and Mechanics
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 31 August
The interdisciplinary Engineering Science and Mechanics (B.Sc. IWM) program builds bridges between physics, mathematics and engineering. Mechanics is an area that plays an important role in current developments in a wide variety of scientific and technical fields. Professor Dominik Schillinger from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering explains exactly what students can expect and what career prospects graduates will have.
Picture: Studienbereich MechanikPicture: Studienbereich Mechanik
New Master's degree programme in Mechanics
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 31 August
The new Master's programme in Mechanics is unique in Germany: Graduates are trained in the intersection between mechanical-physical modelling, computer-oriented calculation methods, the corresponding mathematical principles and engineering application fields. This enables a broad interdisciplinary field of activity. Professor Dominik Schillinger from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering explains what exactly awaits students and what job opportunities graduates have.
Picture: Fachbereich MaschinenbauPicture: Fachbereich Maschinenbau
New Bachelor's degree program in Bio-Materials Engineering
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 31.8.
The sustainable biologisation of technical products, production processes and materials is one of society's mammoth tasks. The demand in industry and business for excellent engineers with creative skills and scientific know-how is enormous. In the new Bachelor's degree programme Bio-Materials Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering supplements the classical contents of mechanical engineering with chemistry, biology and material sciences. Graduates will thus bring a completely new set of competencies to the engineering sciences. What else distinguishes the new degree program and who is it addressed to? The study coordinators Professor Andreas Blaeser and Professor Samuel Schabel about the new degree program.
Picture: Natalie WockoPicture: Natalie Wocko
New Master's degree program in Computer Science
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 15.7.
The M.Sc. in Computer Science is compatible with Anglo-Saxon degrees with the same name and is particularly well-suited for prospective international students. Students can choose their major to be either Data Science and Engineering, Distributed Computing or Visual Computing. Who is the Master's program aimed at? Vice Chairperson of Academic Affairs Jan Peters on the special features of the program.
Picture: Claus VölkerPicture: Claus Völker
New Master's degree program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 15.7.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have started to become ubiquitous in their application to both daily life as well as many important societal tasks. The Department of Computer Science has expanded its course portfolio in AI and ML – previously integrated primarily in the computer science master's programme – to establish a new master's program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIM). What is special about the M.Sc. program at TU Darmstadt, what can students expect? Vice Chairperson of Academic Affairs Jan Peters about the new program.