
Master of Science; tuition language: English

The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.

New: Data Science!

The Department of Mathematics offers Data Science as a new and additional study field in its Master's programme Mathematics.

The focus of this study field will lie on mathematical basics and mathematical understanding.


The research-oriented Englisch-language M.Sc. Mathematics offers a broad choice of mathematical areas of specialisation:

  • Advanced Courses in Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Approximation, Mathematical Logic, Numerical Analysis, Optimisation, Stochastics: Select two areas for specialisation.
  • Seminars or Projects in Mathematics: Select two seminars or one seminar and one project.
  • Electives in Mathematics and courses in minors
  • Mathematics in a broader context
  • Studium Generale

Module Handbook

Study Regulations with Semester Course and Examination Schedule

Course Catalogue

Departmental Information on the programme

Department of Mathematics

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M.Sc. Mathematics at TU Darmstadt

Semesters 4
Language English at B2 GER level.
Individual courses can be offered in German. Scientific literature may have to be read and edited also in German.
Start of studies Winter semester, summer semester
Internship ---
Admission requirements 1. a degree B.Sc. Mathematik of TU Darmstadt (reference programme) or an equivalent degree.

2. English at B2 GER level

Proof of language level B2 must be provided:
a) successfully completed English-language mathematics modules totalling at least 10 CP in the preliminary studies or
b) equivalent English language certificates according to the equivalence list.
of the Language Resource Centre of TU Darmstadt.

3. Additional admission requirements:
Study regulations
Competences description

4. Formal and language requirements for applicants with international qualifications.

General information on applying to a master's degree programme
Admission procedure Provided that the admission requirements (entrance examination) are met, there are no numerical admission restrictions.
Application Application deadlines and online application
Good to know Costs and budget
Preparatory courses for international students
einfachsTUdieren : Pre-Courses, getting started
Double Degree Programmes
Study Abroad
Part-time studies
Doctoral studies
TU Darmstadt Career Service
Alumni careers

As Mathematics are a fundamental science, graduates of Mathematics are sought after by nearly all economic sectors.

They attend to intra and extra-mathematical problems, collect them, analyse them and treat them with the corresponding mathematical methods. Structured and analytical thinking as well as abstraction abilities are particularly sought after. Complex problems are to be solved with a systematic and target-oriented approach.

The labor market of business, industry, administration and science has a need for highly trained mathematicians in a variety of occupational fields. Insurance companies, banks, market research and polling institutes, consulting firms, software and systems companies, engineering firms or research institutes are among potential employers.

TU Darmstadt Career Service