Inability to take the examination due to illness recognised during an examination
If an inability to take the examination due to illness occurs during the examination, so
- the inability to take the examination must be reported to a supervising person immediately during the examination. The examination will not be completed and will not be graded.
- the medical certificate must be submitted to the Office for Student Affairs in your department no later than three calendar days after the examination date.
The basis are the regulations in (opens in new tab) . APB § 15 Abs. (2)
The same regulations apply to the submission of the medical certificate as to . an inability to take the examination due to illness recognised before the start of the examination
Please note:
If the above mentioned documents are not submitted within the deadline, then all exam performances for which a withdrawal should be requested will be evaluated as “insufficient” (5,0), since the exam date was missed without excuse. This also eliminates the possibility of an oral supplementary examination for third examinations attempts.
If the illness is not reported during the examination but the examination is completed, the submitted performance will be counted as an examination attempt. A later withdrawal due to illness is no longer possible.