Psychologie: Arbeit, Technik, Organisation

Master of Science; tuition language: German

The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.


The Master's degree course in Psychologie: Arbeit, Technik, Organisation offers specialisation opportunities in the fields of work and engineering psychology, organisational and business psychology as well as educational psychology, cognitive psychology and media psychology. The content is taught with an interdisciplinary focus and builds on advanced research methodological and diagnostic skills. Depending on their interests and specialisation, students deal, for example, with questions of personnel selection, personnel development and work design in a modern working environment; with questions of technology design and product development, taking into account human abilities, limitations and needs; with questions of teaching, learning, communication and media use in various fields of application and for different target groups.

The degree programme thus provides students with a broad range of skills that qualify them for numerous fields of activity in industry and business as well as in education, schools and other public institutions and also enable them to pursue a doctorate in psychology.

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Semesters 4
Language German, some lectures/modules may be held in English. A sound knowledge of the English language, which is necessary for understanding psychological original literature, is a prerequisite.
Start of studies Winter semester
Internship internship within the study programme (see Semester Course Schedule)
Admission requirements 1. A degree B.Sc. Psychologie of TU Darmstadt (reference programme) or an equivalent degree;

2. Passed entrance exam;

3. additional requirements:
Study regulations
Competences description.

4. Formal and language requirements for applicants with international qualifications.

General information on applying to a master's degree programme
Admission procedure Provided that the admission requirements (entrance examination) are met, there are no numerical admission restrictions.
Application Application deadlines and online application
Good to know Costs and budget
Preparatory courses for international students
einfachsTUdieren : Pre-Courses, getting started
Double Degree Programme
Study Abroad
Part-time studies
Doctoral studies
TU Darmstadt Career Service
Alumni careers

Graduates of the M.Sc. Psychologie: Arbeit, Technik, Organisation programme at the TU Darmstadt can work in various professional fields, e.g. in interdisciplinary teams with engineers, managers, health personnel and teachers or as experts in the fields of human factors and human resources in organisational contexts. Training as a psychotherapist will no longer be possible after the degree programme.

TU Darmstadt Career Service