
Bachelor of Science; tuition language: German

The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.


The main task of architects is planning, drafting, designing, and executing the construction of buildings.

Creative design constitutes the main focus of the Architecture degree programme at the Technical University of Darmstadt. There are other constructive, artistic, and historical-scientific areas arranged around it. This links systematic knowledge transfer and creative-playful elements. Building construction and urban development are considered an entity. These areas are: Historical fundamentals, Design and presentation, Construction and Technology, Building Planning as well as Urban development.

In the focus of teaching of every semester, there is a central drafting project that is directly or indirectly related to a majority of the other courses of that semester. This project will be designed in turns by the Departments of Interior Design, Building Construction, Building Theory, and Urban Development.

General note: With the Bachelor of Science degree, students acquire a first degree qualifying them for a profession. However, at the Technical University of Darmstadt the Master of Science is the standard degree. It is therefore recommended that students complete a Master's programme.

Module Handbook (opens in new tab)

Study Regulations with Semester Course and Examination Schedule

Course Catalogue

Department of Architecture

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Architecture at TU Darmstadt – being part of designing the future

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From head to hand – studying architecture at TU Darmstadt

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Online Self-Assessment for selecting a course of study
Podcast “fuTUre students”
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hobit: Hochschul- und Berufsinformationstage in Darmstadt (orientation event)
University visits, labs, internships, and more

Orientation after enrolment:

Orientation programme “navigatING”
(for the programmes B.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen, B.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik; B.Sc. Maschinenbau – Sustainable Engineering; B.Sc. Umweltingenieurwissenschaften)

Perspectives on careers:

Career guidings with the #studentsofTUdarmstadt
TU Darmstadt Career Service

Semesters 6
Language German
Start of studies Winter semester
Internship A construction internship of at least six weeks' duration, to be submitted no later than by the end of the second semester.
Admission requirements Applying with international qualifications:
Language requirements, required documents
Application Application deadlines and online application
Good to know Costs and budget
Preparatory courses for international students
einfachsTUdieren : Pre-Courses, getting started:
Minimum requirements by the end of the second semester
Study Abroad
Part-time studies

Related Bachelor's Degree Programmes

Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie, B.Sc.

Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, B.Sc.

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – technische Fachrichtung Bauingenieurwesen, B.Sc.

Bautechnik – Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen, B.Ed.

Masters Programme's

Please note that admission to the Master’s Degree programme may also depend on additional requirements. This particularly applies to non-consecutive courses of study (meaning with a Bachelor’s degree in a different area of focus or field of study than the desired Master’s degree programme) and to applicants of other universities. If you have any questions, please contact the respective departmental advisor’s office.

Architektur, M.Sc.

Energy Science and Engineering, M.Sc.

Sustainable Urban Development, M.Sc.

Architects are responsible for planning, drafting, designing, and executing the construction of residential, public, and industrial buildings. Their tasks also include the design of complex urban facilities at home and abroad as well as renovations. Technical-constructive matters need to be taken into consideration as well as, for instance, creative, economic, cultural-social, ecological, and legal aspects and standards. Ideally, functionality, aesthetics, and environment/target group relevance are most deeply intertwined in the work of architects.

Unfortunately, the career start for architects is not always easy, as over the past few years, a large number of architects has been trained, but the job offers and the building industry have not kept up with this supply. Meanwhile, architects are thus working in many different fields. Oftentimes, architects start their own firm as “generalists” on a self-employed basis. Apart from that, there is also the possibility to work in large firms as an employed architect while, if applicable, being specialised in one or only few areas (e.g. tenders). Other fields that architects can work in are communal and other administrative bodies (e.g. building authorities), engineering and construction firms, in the real estate sector, in expert and consulting firms (self-employed or, for example, for insurances), or in the building industry/property development companies. As “Facility managers”, architects optimise the efficiency of buildings. Some architects specialise in specific areas such as renovation and/or energy-efficient construction etc. Due to the aesthetic-creative side of the architecture programme, there are interfaces to professional fields such as photography, design, advertisement, and graphics. Finally, architects can be employed with monument conservation authorities, in museums, in journalism, in the art trade, or in humanistic or scientific research (e.g. art history).

For this reason it is important to start gaining practical work experience in architecture businesses or other relevant organisations early in the degree programme. In this way students can promote themselves as competent professionals in practice and make important professional contacts. The likelihood of finding a good position is definitely heightened if the student is flexible when it comes to commuting or even moving abroad. Good English language skills are particularly important when it comes to the international job market.

Regarding the B.Sc. Architektur it furthermore must be taken into consideration that a Bachelor’s degree (so far) does not suffice for a chamber entry or for working as a self-employed architect, as this requires a minimum of 8 semesters of studying architecture. For these reasons it is recommended that students complete a Master’s degree.

TU Darmstadt Career Service