
Bachelor of Arts (als Joint Bachelor of Arts in den Fächern X und Y); tuition language: German

The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.


The Bachelor of Arts programme in the special form of Joint Bachelor of Arts in Subjects X and Y allows to combine two different subjects/components.

The component Informatik addresses the systematic processing of information using computers. Closely related to mathematics in its formal fundamentals, it is also an engineering discipline that has developed out of a need for fast and reliable calculations of all sorts.

As Informatik represents only one component of the Joint Bachelor of Arts, the Informatik content is correspondingly smaller than within the Bachelor of Science programme Informatik. The component is thus limited to more restricted fundamentals of the subject and only plans for a small-scale specialisation in the specific areas of Informatik taught at Technical University of Darmstadt.

Module Handbbok (opens in new tab)

Study Regulation of Joint Bachelor of Arts in the Subjects X and Y

Semester Course and Examination Schedule

Course Catalogue

Department of Social and Historical Sciences

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The Bachelor of Arts programme in the special form of Joint Bachelor of Arts in Subjects X and Y combines two different programmes, of which at least one must be chosen from the subject spectrum of the Department of History and Social Sciences.

As first subject can be chosen:

Digital Philology; German Studies; History; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology.

As second subject can be chosen:

Digital Philology; German Studies; History; Computer Science; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology; Sports Science; Economics.

A disciplinary specialisation is only necessary within the framework of the Master of Arts.

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Is the programme right for you? Find out!

Possible from (almost) everywhere:

Online Self-Assessment for selecting a course of study
Podcast “fuTUre students”
Kann ich MINT?

Come and see, touch and feel, meet and greet:

hobit: Hochschul- und Berufsinformationstage in Darmstadt (orientation event)
University visits, labs, internships, and more

Orientation after enrolment:

Orientation programme “navigatING”
(for the programmes B.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen, B.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik; B.Sc. Maschinenbau – Sustainable Engineering; B.Sc. Umweltingenieurwissenschaften)

Perspectives on careers:

Career guidings with the #studentsofTUdarmstadt
TU Darmstadt Career Service

Semesters 6
Language German . Individual courses/modules may be offered in English. Please be aware that scientific literature is be read and edited in English or other foreign languages.
Start of Studies Winter semester
Internship optional career-oriented internship
Admission requirements Formal and language requirements for applicants with international qualifications
Application Application deadlines and online application .
Good to know
  • Cannot be combined with Sports Science J.B.A. or Business Administration and Economics J.B.A.
Costs and budget
einfachsTUdieren : Pre-Courses, getting started
Preparatory courses for international students
Minimum requirements by the end of the second semester
Study Abroad
Part-time studies
TU Darmstadt Career Service
Alumni careers

Related Programmes

Informatik, B.Sc.

Informatik – Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen, B.Ed.

Informatik, Lehramt an Gymnasien

Master's Programmes

Please note that admission to the Master’s Degree programme may also depend on additional requirements. This particularly applies to non-consecutive courses of study (meaning with a Bachelor’s degree in a different area of focus or field of study than the desired Master’s degree programme) and to applicants of other universities. For further information and in cases of doubt, please contact the respective departmental advisor’s office.

Please contact the Computer Science Department's Advisory Service early if you plan to go into the Master's programme M.Sc. Computer Science or into one of the specialized Computer Science Master's programmes of Technical University of Darmstadt.

Cognitive Science, B.Sc.

Data and Discourse Studies, M.A.

Today, Computer Science play an increasingly important role in research and development as operational procedures can no longer be developed and optimised without software solutions. As a result, the opportunities for computer scientists on the labor market are promising: the demand for them is rising. While most of them are in regular employment, there is also a number of self-employed computer scientists. Graduates can find employment in companies of nearly all industries, in public administration, and in research. There, they develop, programme, and modify hard and software programmes in particular in connection with complex information, communication and control systems.

Computer scientists examine, for instance, existing IT systems for their security and effectiveness. In particular, they apply their knowledge and skills to IT project management. Another one of their tasks is the realisation of new software projects in the form of technical reproduction of administrative tasks and production control. Developing databases and web-based information systems may also be part of their job description.

In times of global networking, the security of information technology is becoming increasingly important. TU scientists are dealing with questions of IT security in the profile area Cybersecurity at TU Darmstadt – CYSEC and at the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE, among others.

The research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Technical University of Darmstadt is internationally excellent. By providing the necessary interdisciplinarity to develop the potential of AI broadly and optimally, and thus catering to the latter's high social and economic significance, it distinguishes itself from other academic locations in Germany. AI research at Technical University of Darmstadt is strongly intertwined with cognitive science, which is bundled in the Centre for Cognitive Science.

For this reason, it is important in any case to start gaining practical work experience in relevant organisations early in the degree programme. This way, students can promote themselves as competent professionals in practice and make important professional contacts. The likelihood of finding a good position is definitely heightened if the student is flexible when it comes to commuting or even moving abroad. Good English language skills are particularly important when it comes to the international job market.

TU Darmstadt Career Service